Sunday, October 27, 2013

So far this year, the Norwegian Joint Headquarters (FOH) identified 24 Russian aircraft. Of these d

So far this year, the Norwegian Joint Headquarters (FOH) identified 24 Russian aircraft. Of these defense "scrambled" 15 of the planes, that is, made with emergency Norwegian beredskapsfly According FOH this is a lower number than the first half of 2012, but a higher number than the last half of 2012. The activity varies pocket fighters throughout the year and there is no reason to say anything yet about this represents an increase or decrease compared to the previous pocket fighters year. In the 1980s there were up to 500 to 600 identifications annually. When the Soviet Union disintegrated pocket fighters figure dropped drastically and the millennium were identified only three to five aircraft a year. In 2007, the number of call-outs by 260 percent and the number of identifications 530 percent pocket fighters from the year before. According to FOH is part of the Russian planes in the past gone further north than before, so they have not been identified by Norwegian aircraft. Much of the reason for fewer identifications and departure due to a modified base structure in Russia, where eskortefly, previously supplied bombers and tanker to the north of Finnmark now turns before they pass 30 degrees north, pronounced it from FOH Last year it was made 41 call-outs and 71 identifications, which is on par with 2007-2009. The increase has occurred in parallel with then-President Putin signals summer of 2007 that they would increase the international presence. This led to a strong increase in Russian aircraft activity late summer and autumn of 2007. Activity pocket fighters stabilized in 2008 and it has been the same activity pocket fighters in the vicinity of Norway in 2009, 2010 and 2011, although this can be read directly on the number of identified aircraft. FOH see that there is a good fitness level and implemented at times complicated aircraft operations over great distances - for example, strategic flights from Engels base in Saratov almost down by Kazakhstan, through northwestern Russia Kola Peninsula, past the Norwegian coast and into the North Sea. Under such flights are required air-to-air refueling because of the large distances.
Number of identifications of Russian aircraft. 2012: 71 Russian aircraft identified 2011: 48 Russian aircraft identified 2010: 37 Russian aircraft identified pocket fighters 2009: 77 Russian aircraft identified 2008: 87 Russian aircraft identified 2007: 88 Russian aircraft identified 2006: 14 Russian aircraft identified in 2005: 23 Russian aircraft identified in 2004: 11 Russian pocket fighters aircraft identified 2003: 22 Russian aircraft identified 2002: 10 Russian aircraft identified
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