Monday, October 28, 2013

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- Air Force has bad practices Here are investigation the Commission's main findings after the Norwegian Hercules aircraft "Siv" hit the mountain massif Kebnekaise ten feet below the surface history of space travel at a speed of 520 km / h 15 March 2012.
Air Force have all taken action and changed procedures and training on transport planes, but currently does not critique the HSL report any personnel consequences.
By airplane audio log states that flights between Evenes Airport Kiruna happens with instruments tuned so that they could fly tactical, and should be able to follow the terrain without anti-collision history of space travel system raised the alarm. history of space travel
- We could not foresee that the crew had put instruments in tactical mode, and there is always the pilot's responsibility to double check the clearances they get from air traffic control, said Maj. Morten Haga Lunde told Aftenposten.
At the time of the accident, the aircraft was in an area where Swedish radar systems could not "see" it, and recordings of conversations between history of space travel pilots and ground control in Kiruna indicates that they misunderstood each other's intentions with flying.
Serious officers in Oslo Military Society. From left brigades Per Egil Rygg, Lieutenant General Morten Haga Lunde, General Harald history of space travel Sunde and the Chief of Air Force, Major General Finn Kristian Hannestad.
PHOTO: Per Annar Holm Air Force is also criticism that there were no restrictions on how the warning system, which tells whether the aircraft history of space travel is on a collision course with the ground, could be turned on without the pilots specifically were told that the system was put out of action. Here are the main findings of the Commission history of space travel of Inquiry: The flyvelederne at air base in Stockholm and Kiruna has given clearances without knowing history of space travel where the aircraft geographic whereabouts. Accident Investigation Commission investigations identified several factors that indicate that there are weaknesses in the Swedish Civil Aviation Administration's safety culture. Tower in Kiruna waited 20 minutes longer than that prescribed in the applicable regulations to report the plane missing. Police in Norrbotten waited 3.5 hours from which they were notified of the accident to the mountain fearful shipment. The Swedish rescue helicopter spent 2.5 hours with two stops for refueling before history of space travel it was promoting the search area. Rescue Helicopters came from Norway history of space travel and Denmark. The pilots controlled not flyveledernes clearance to the lowest ensure flyvenivå. They have not been aware of the danger that the basic terrain was. AIBN has found that the Norwegian Air Force has procedures to ensure that flight plans in accordance history of space travel with applicable regulations. Planning The material was delivered to the lineup was designed for a different type of mission and LFC-map was probably not used during the flight. Missing practices in the Norwegian Air Force and ambiguities in the system documentation and training may have led the crew had deficiencies in their knowledge and handling of ground collision warning system. It is the Commission's recommendations, the Norwegian Air Force recommended establishing procedures to prevent history of space travel aircraft flying below the lowest safe altitude or flynivå for the stretch under instrument flight flight (IFR) ensure that flight crews have the knowledge and apply procedures which means that ground collision system used in a responsible manner. history of space travel Investigate and if necessary take action to ensure that crews on C130-J includes history of space travel all aspects of planning and implementation of safe flight. Develop clear rules, manuals and procedures that make it easier for flight crews to conduct air operations in a safe manner. Delayed report
Half an hour later the report was formally handed over to the chief of defense

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