Thursday, October 31, 2013

Information newspaper believes Liberal leader over time has developed into a growing web of hypocri

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Denmark's former Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (left) is the leader in Global Green Growth Institute jets planes (GGGI), an organization that helps developing countries with various environmental projects. Norway is in the process of moving heavily into the organization with a core contribution of 60 million.
During jets planes their travels GGGI he has during more than a year spent the equivalent of 1.142 million Norwegian kroner on flights and hotel stays. Expensive it was because he has repeatedly chosen to fly first class, which is more luxurious and comfortable jets planes than business class.
A round-trip flight between Copenhagen jets planes and Seoul with British Airways costs, for example, 64,500 Danish kroner at first grade, 32.800 million in business class and 17 600 in Economy. jets planes Life and teachings
The second largest item on Lars Løkke Rasmussen's travel budget jets planes hotel suites, which has cost 140,000 Danish kroner. He has also spent 89,000 dollars on transportation on land, 23,000 million in spending and 16,000 million in "other meeting expenses," sums up the newspaper Politiken.
This information has caused consternation in Denmark, primarily because Lars Løkke Rasmussen and his party have long spoke warmly of frugality and careful handling of taxpayers' money. Løkke Rasmussen has also advocated cutting the aid budget - a budget that has partially funded GGGI-his travels.
This week came the requirement that he must leave his post in GGGI - alternatively submit all receipts. Lately many of his party colleagues claimed is impossible because it allegedly conflicts with GGGIs rules. Now, the main character decided to put the cards on the table. It takes place this coming jets planes Sunday. Solhjell: - Unacceptable
The plan is to go even heavier into GGGI, with a core contribution of 60 million for 2013 and 2014. The money is not paid - first to the text approved, according to the Ministry of Environment.
- GGGI has made a number of changes to its regulations, including in financial jets planes management, financial and travel policies. The changes were necessary, for the former travel policy was not acceptable, said Solhjell just before giving the Minister the chair to Tine Sundtoft (H).
- Then we will consider the need for further information, says director Morten Nordskag the Environment Ministry told Aftenposten. He assists county Øystein Education and Research (OR), representing Norway in GGGIs control. Frames Party
Affair is unfortunate for the Danish Liberal Party, which aims to shed Social jets planes Democrat jets planes Helle Thorning-Schmidt out of government offices in the next election. Now the Left fall sharply in the polls.
Information newspaper believes Liberal leader over time has developed into a growing web of hypocrisy and Pamperi. - Lars Løkke Rasmussen has become as much a barrier for a new socialist government that Helle Thorning-Schmidt has long been for a re-election of the incumbent government, the newspaper said in an editorial. Flat roll sausage
- Last, when it was about dining and taxi rides, he was driven through the media machine "like flat sausage roll." So he does it again in other words, states Mogensen.
Nah, travel case will certainly do Løkke Rasmussen even more unpopular among those who do not like him. But his friends want to preserve their trust and defend him, believes political commentator Sigge Winther Nielsen in the newspaper Politiken. Also read: Full quarrel about deliberate mishandling of stateless in Danish toppolitikk Danes lose faith in the Prime Minister's Read also
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