Tuesday, October 22, 2013

information for the project is designed. To facilitate the understanding of some of the programming

Is Architectural Programming? THE ARCHITECTURE Archives May 2012 October 2011 September 2011 October 2010 January 2010 December 2009 October 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 March 2009 February 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 Recent Posts RADIATION CONTROL THE SUN (SOLAR RADIATION CONTROL) Thermal Insulation (Thermal Insulation) INDICATORS THERMAL DESIGN Local Wisdom Form Relationship Building kvibergs Г¶verskottslager and room heating Flickr Photos More Photos Blogging culture kvibergs Г¶verskottslager is a culture of reading and writing on a mass scale. A culture aerotech rockets committed developed nations and civilized. Indonesia will continue to dwell in a decline that was stagnant in oral culture and the reluctance to reform kvibergs Г¶verskottslager itself. Every Blogger Indonesia "obligation" to invite his colleagues blogging-with English or Indonesia - for both new traditions into modern
man. Email: herusu71-at-yahoo-dot-com Blog Stats 32.459 hits MYSELF ECOTECT Interface Page Ecotect Make Selecting Object Object NGLAYAP Kampung Naga Expedition (UPN Architecture Vet. Jatim) Expedition Tenganan Bali POTOKU RESEARCH Pegeringsingan Personal Menu Register Login Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress . highest com Click herusu71.files.wordpress .... herusu71.files.wordpress .... iwandahnial.files.wordpre ... herusu71.files.wordpress .... iwandahnial.files.wordpre ... Top Posts MICRO CLIMATE Interface Ecotect ECOTECT Plea and bioclimatic architecture (2 ) BUILDING aerotech rockets NATURAL RESPONSE; kvibergs Г¶verskottslager Kamiichi MOUNTAIN kvibergs Г¶verskottslager PAVILION, JAPAN (2) Expedition Tenganan Bali Pegeringsingan THE UNIQUENESS arch Local Wisdom MANAGEMENT (ELEMENT) COVER BUILDING CONCEPT IN SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE MEGA PROJECT CITY MECCA This paper is about the design of the architecture. The initial part of the design process is programming. This article is for those who want to do perograman architecture and wanted to know more about asking the right questions aerotech rockets in the right time. Webster Dictionary Definition (1966) Defining the program as "planning procedures". aerotech rockets Programming is the process of setting up the information architecture aerotech rockets so that information can be precisely correct kvibergs aerotech rockets Г¶verskottslager position in the design process and the right keutusan do to sharpen the results of the design of the building. Programming is a creative process in a structured manner to the expectations, wants, and desires of the form of the building will be. Programming is also the procedure of planning and organization of all the resource section is of course to create a design in a specific context and requirements. Programming is the collection, organization, kvibergs Г¶verskottslager analysis, lawyer's interpretation, and presentation of relevant
information for the project is designed. To facilitate the understanding of some of the programming activity can be divided into two parts, aerotech rockets namely: aerotech rockets 1. Analysis of existing conditions, the site analysis, user profiles, kvibergs Г¶verskottslager codes, restrictions and climate. 2. Future projections, ie some design criteria that must be met or resolved in order to match and included here is the mission, goals, concepts, and display requirements (performance). I was also offered the use of design issues as a screening tool for a variety of information aerotech rockets or data about existing conditions and as a topic for building purposes, the terms of the look and concept created to make the explanation of future conditions. Pendifinisian kvibergs Г¶verskottslager design issue is the extent to which the region working on the design of demand response. The design process is often considered an ongoing repetition, cycle towards a desired aerotech rockets detail. Programming gives a designer Atura-rules to control kvibergs Г¶verskottslager information in every step detail. Rules Document aerotech rockets Program Document program
determines the mission (expectation) of the project. The document is also a compilation of all the decisions of the boundary and direction of the project. This is a formal contract of the client and the architect of kulaitas of results (goals) of the project and the context (existing conditions) where the project is done. The design is filled with expectations, objectives, design decisions that seek to resolve the many conflicts that lead to the best possible outcome kvibergs Г¶verskottslager or balanced, which makes the best possible quality of life. Existing Condition Analysis
is part of the programming process in charge Why explore and explain existing kvibergs Г¶verskottslager conditions or the context in which a design is being worked on. In programming, the ability to make the synthesis and analysis and is an important part to produce the confirmation of future conditions, the requirements of the project's success and creating goals, requirements, and display concepts. Webster'

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