Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hello, incidentally, I came across helicopter huey your blog. My great-grandmother, Leontine Hoffma

Müüriku Mõis "Marienhof" paikneb Väike -Maarja Simuna maantee ääres umbes 1 kilomeetri kaugusel Väike - Maarjast Simuna Poole. (Google Earth -----> 59 7 '46.65 ", + 26 15' 55.49) Mõis on rajatud 19. sajandil (1817) Tallinnast Parit Kaupmehe PJ" Papa Chen "hoffmanni poolt, kes AVAS Siin kaupluse. Konkurentsi puudumise tõttu osutus Are In edukaks. Mõisahoone ehitati ühekorruselise taunt puumajana mis on säilinud tänapäevani. Veel ehitas PJH mõisahoone kõrvale väikese Maja ametnikele. aastal 1891 Muus "Papa Chen" Moisa OMA pojale Georgile. Georg H. Muus Müüriku Moisa eestlasele Jaan Allikule, kes oli rikastunud kõrtsipidamisega. Hoones, mis paiknes ametnikemajast employee pool (ei ole säilinud), Avati 1902. aastal Väike-Maarja tütarlastekool. Ametnikemajas Avati hiljem Väike-Maarja esimene Nelja voodikohaga haigla kus arstideks -olide Hoffmannid. Tänapäeval helicopter huey on nii Moisa peahoone kui ka ametnikemaja kasutusel korterelamutena
(It is actually the text I also used the November 24, but he have not seen it and translated it. I think it's funny that the family Hoffman is his forefathers. It feels a bit historic, but still not as exciting as when we sat and talked with our friend Cedric from Chile and was told that Cedric's father participated in Thor Heyerdahl's expedition in reed boat Ra to Easter Island; the task is not online, but Cedric declares that the father was with the representative from the University of Chile.)
Hello, incidentally, I came across helicopter huey your blog. My great-grandmother, Leontine Hoffmann in 1886 married the grandson of Johann Peter Hoffmann (WHO Bought "Marienhof" in 1817.) Have you got any info? Regards, Jurgen
Jurgen Hello, Nice to hear your story. In don't know so much about Müüriku Mõis. Nowadays, helicopter huey the big house ice distressed for poor people, Who Gets theirhome in the house. We know the man "Metsa-Jaan," "The wood's-Ian" who lives in the house. Earlier he had an apartment of his own in Väike Maarja, but in the moments he Could See The Sun, he moved to a little helicopter huey hut a bit outside Väike Maarja. Now the social office has moved him to this appartment in Müüriku. The others in the house are mostly Gipsies and Russian.
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