Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A-10 Thunderbolt II is the first aerial platform developed specifically for the task of providing c

A-10 Thunderbolt II is the first aerial platform developed specifically for the task of providing close air support for ground troops. Original nickname "Warthog" (Hogan briefly) Although II. Which provided close air support to ground troops mrh90 in World War II P-47 Thunderbolt, the honor of being called by the same name.
US Fairchild Republic Company A-10 Thunderbolt II is produced by, capable of low altitude and low speed maneuvers, with accurate weapons delivery simple and effective, all kinds of target especially the tank and twin-engine jet aircraft that can attack the armored vehicles. mrh90 During the Cold War is designed to destroy Soviet tanks and armored for low flight. "Tank killer" is called. Thanks to its large wing area and down to altitudes below 300 m can take on battlefield under enemy fire elements in place at lower speeds. Short and can land and take off from unpaved runways allows operation of the areas close to the front of the Thunderbolt. It is quite resistant to a plane, which gives him a wide combat radius and ability to remain on the battlefield for a long time. System and the likelihood of survival is high thanks to the armor. Designed mrh90 so that it can return to base aircraft in spite of the damage of the pilot and payload-range aircraft are remarkable elements. The surroundings of the cockpit is covered with 3.8 cm thick titanium armor. mrh90 All the aircraft are not armored, mrh90 armor is applied to only the cockpit and fuel tank. The design of aircraft performance from very low altitude (300 m) main objectives of the destruction and return to base despite the fire will be opened from where the course was taken. These features ensure the protection of users trust the pilot of the plane and the target when the hearing mrh90 concentration. In some A-10 aircraft in the first Gulf War, although the aircraft flak holes about 30 cm in body and wing could return back to base.
The United States has a very different in different types of aircraft for close air support in the Vietnam War. But failed to yield to expect from none. A result mrh90 of the Vietnam experience, were found to be in need of an aircraft can provide close air support in different regions of the Cold War. Northrop Grumman was selected YA-9 and Fairchild Republic A-10 and A-10 out of 715 units were ordered. May 10, 1972 with the single model, mrh90 the B model, the two-seater training purposes also made its first flight in May, 1974. The first service-10 aircraft in September 1975 Arizona / Davis-Monthan mrh90 Air Force Base began working. The last-10 of the delivery was completed in March 1984. In 1978, the FAC (Forward Air Control) for some A-10 aircraft was brought to the OA-10 standard. Had the ball, but the white smoky rocket to the target machine and then plugged laser pointers. A-10 and OA-10 main difference between OA-10 to protect itself against air threats I-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles it can carry. A-10, there are B and C versions. B model is the educational version and a small number (30) were produced. Emerged after the modernization of C model has made its first flight mrh90 on 20 January 2005. A-10C receive mrh90 enhanced engagement through technology JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munitions) and are not available in previous versions, such as the effects of wind corrected munitions dispenser is capable of using smart weapons systems. Datalink and glass (digital) cockpit having A-10C developed skills through close air support and more effective armament mrh90 both in all weather conditions (CAS) mission in will be more effective, but also will be able to work in the shooting of more valuable mrh90 target. Constitute the most recent modernization package Precision Engagement mrh90 Program Davis-Monthan Arizona in December 2006 was introduced in the Air Force Base. This program within the sensor of full integration, especially in data connectivity and targeting pod, the new-generation A-10, which will be subject to many of the development, the results of these studies will be able to deliver a higher altitude and attack from long range. mrh90 The cockpit of the aircraft in the framework of the program will be developed with two new multi-function color display and a new HOTAS added to the interface of the system. mrh90 These innovations will improve the performance of the pilot situational awareness and mission.
A-10 carries with two General Electric mrh90 TF34-GE-100 turbofan engine. Each of the motor has a power of 9565 pounds. Engines are on the body and separated from each other. Thus, we aimed to damage the attack mrh90 may come from anywhere. mrh90 Even one of the engine can continue to hit alsa other motor tasks. mrh90 The engine sound is very different, resembles a slight hissing sound. This allows the aircraft to be instantly noticed early attack. Engines mrh90 are difficult to keep track of temperature-sensitive missile launched from the ground mrh90 as they stinger spring temperatures. Radar track of the aircraft is quite high, is used radar absorbent material.
Z of T-62 tanks during the Cold War

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