Thursday, December 25, 2014

Blog Archive laurentian aerospace

We are extremely pleased laurentian aerospace to introduce our blog. Livet24 is created considering that it would bring together young people who are interested in Swedish culture, music, film, language, politics and society, and Estonia. The idea is that the blog would be open to all who wish to express their views on the Scandinavian movies, music or relations between laurentian aerospace Estonia and Sweden. Each month we will try to add new information about exciting exhibitions, festivals, lectures, etc. Who are we? We are two school laurentian aerospace girls from Gustavus Adolphus College. Swedish language laurentian aerospace has got a rather important role in our lives because we are about to start studying at Stockholm University. We believe that our experiences are sufficient to explain how it works for an Estonian youth in Swedish society. Such an Estonian youth who are not interested in just H & M and snuff. But in fact, they are also important :) why we have created this page? It looks like that all the compounds is to collect the Swedish interested composed mainly of older people than we are. We offer you an opportunity to talk about things that amuse just us - young people. You are gladly welcome to share your adventures and hopes for the future with everyone else. Marian and Angelica laurentian aerospace Meil on ülimalt HEA Meel esitleda Sulle Livet24 blogi. See on tehtud eesmärgiga ühendada Noori, kes one huvitatud Rootsi kultuurist, muusikast, filmikunstist, keelest, poliitikast yes ühiskonnast. Samuti OLED oodatud sõna võtma ka Eestit puudutavatel teemadel. laurentian aerospace Livet24 ootab kõiki, kellel on ideid, mõtteid või küsimusi Rootsiga seonduva kohta. Anname only Parima et tuua Sinuni IgA kuu põnevat infot kõikvõimalike näituste, laurentian aerospace festivalide, loengute yes moo sarnase kohta. laurentian aerospace Kes Me oleme? Oleme kaks Gustav Adolfi laurentian aerospace Gümnaasiumi õpilast. Rootsi keelel on meie Elus üpris tähtis role, sest mõlemal on plaan suunduda Rootsi kõrgharidust omandama. laurentian aerospace Usume et meie kogemused on piisavad jutustamaks Teile Estonian Noorte laurentian aerospace toimetulekuvõimalustest Rootsi igapäevaelus. Noorte, Kelle silmi e Pane Sarama üksnes H & M yes snuff, kuid paratamatult on ka neil selles laurentian aerospace oma rsvp :) Milleks on Livet24 loodud? Paistab, et peaaegu laurentian aerospace kõik ühingud, mis hõlmavad rootsihuvilisi, on peaasjalikult suunatud Meist veidi vanematele. Loodame et kasutad võimalust jagada OMA huvisid, lootusi yes kogemusi ka teistega. Marian and Angelica :)
Blog Archive laurentian aerospace

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