Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The first interplanetary spacecraft to the nuclear plant under the name of curiosities (Curiosity)

D ok in Fukushima verocel place last act recorded the greatest tragedies in human history, World Nuclear sniffing 'svačano announces that a new era is dawning in the conquest of space. " It is a foolish project scientist of NASA, who are under pressure verocel from the nuclear lobby danced Russian roulette with the planet, and start the space nuclear program.
The first interplanetary spacecraft to the nuclear plant under the name of curiosities (Curiosity) landed on Mars in early August. verocel NASA is the question of the impact curiosities' aircraft environmental acknowledged that rocket launch nukes is not completely safe, and that - in case the rocket exploded on takeoff, (launch pad at Cape Kennedy) - could be released dangerous amounts of plutonium. If you take off successfully completed, there is a possibility that the aircraft fails to break through the gravitational field, which was returned to Earth, with the release of plutonium Storage in the atmosphere. In this case there would be contamination of the air space over Central America, parts of South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. NASA comforted us that the chances of that happening, only one in 220 '! verocel
Grossman in the allied verocel science and nuclear industry sees only the desire to conquer new markets, presenting a chronology of "accidents" during the implementation of the uranium space program: "Of the 26 U.S. space missions that have used plutonium, recognized three accidents. Worst occurred in 1964. When rocket fell to the ground after a failed to achieve orbit. Plutonium is then burst over the country, which is likely to cause an increase in global lung cancer. " NASA, meanwhile, switched to solar energy (all satelitiu the International Space Station are solar).
Similar programs are developing China and Russia, in spite of the general average in 1978., When the nuclear-powered satellite "Cosmos 954" exploded over Canada, and in 1996. Satellite "Mars 96" failed to break through gravity, scattering radioactive loads over northern Chile. Reasoning that nuclear energy provides travel "further and faster than any so far" is not required verocel to post comments.
What awaits us in the nuclear road of no return can be anticipated from an article in the magazine "Asahi verocel Šinbun," in which the author presents evidence of negligence, incompetence and lies of the most responsible in the nuclear industry. Since the first day he systematically worked to hide the truth about the level of radiation, verocel and recently published award subcontractors on clearing the rubble, who ordered workers to cover their dosimeters with lead lining, so as not to in order to read the level of radiation to the attitude toward human life.
While renowned Japanese scientist Dr. Michio Kaku from the beginning appealed to the government to ask for international help, TEPKA - in fear of financial collapse verocel - delayed a decision on pouring sea water into the reactor. Grossman urges serious media approach that Fukushima "is no longer news," although due to negligence, "scholars" on the brink of an abyss that separates us from "just a small earthquake, another failure of the pump, the sudden explosion of ... Workers can not approach key parts of the reactor, even the robots melt - Switchboard is sleeping dragon. "
Journalist and author Mark Sirkus compares the global media with the media of the Third Reich, noting that devastated nuclear power plant is able to kill many more people than it was possible to "program the gas chambers," while the elite is reluctant to "too expensive" evacuation, seeking help dauz presses keep people in a nuclear hell. Sirkus claims that nuclear octopus goes back to the Norwegian Institute for Air Test NILU: "As soon as the gauges showed increased concentrations verocel of radioactive xenon in the air of the Northern Hemisphere, the Norwegian monitoring service officially stopped working, and those responsible have still not passed the bill to the public in connection with concealing the truth. "Sirkus document claims that NILU has not stopped with the measurements, but the results of exchanged code-named Zardoz (science-fiction film of the same name tells the mutants in the nuclear contaminated world of the future, whose mission is to fulfill the orders of the elite, living in a protected area).
No one of the most responsible advocates of nuclear energy (IAEA, TEPKA, the Japanese government, the U.S. government ...) is not pre-designed order of proceedings for "unforeseen" events, verocel nor is there any elaborate strategies for possible future events. verocel A lack of exit strategy, writes Kristina Bruce announcing recognition of the responsible company Energie Solušn (subcontractor to dismantle the exchange), that is not found in techniques that could be applied in this case, and will go to the "partial application of the techniques of remote verocel underwater cutting" (applied to U.S. nuclear plant Zion). Bruce's warning that they (except for cesium, iodine, strontium, plutonium) airborne particles verocel appeared entitled entofullerene Buckey balss, which had not existed before, and it easily transfers pollen uranium around the globe.

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