Thursday, July 31, 2014

Step Zuckerberg is calling helicopter landing games and sending an official helicopter landing game

TECHNO, OKAY - Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday blasted electronic surveillance that the United States government. Zuckerberg also said he personally called President Barack Obama to submit an objection to it.
"Our engineers worked tirelessly to improve the security, helicopter landing games and we imagine that we are protecting you all of the criminals, helicopter landing games instead of our own government," Zuckerberg said in a post on his personal Facebook page, as quoted by Reuters.
"I've called on President Obama to convey a sense of frustration at the damage made by the government towards our future. Unfortunately, probably would need a very long time until there is total real reform, "said 29-year-old Zuckerberg was.
Step Zuckerberg is calling helicopter landing games and sending an official helicopter landing games letter of 300 words as the emergence of various disclosures about the U.S. government's practice helicopter landing games of spying and leaked by a former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.
The official helicopter landing games declined to comment further and referred to an earlier statement from the National Security helicopter landing games Agency (NSA) which states helicopter landing games the media is not accurate because they refer to the malware infects millions of computers around the world as well disguised as social media and other web pages.
When the target was logged into Facebook, they are actually communicating with the NSA. The agency then uses malicious code on a fake Facebook page and then enter the target computer and delete data from them.
Last year, Facebook encrypt all pages so that impersonation more difficult. "U.S. helicopter landing games government is supposed to be a fighter for the Internet, not as a threat. They should be more transparent about what they are doing, if not, people came to believe the worst thing, "Zuckerberg helicopter landing games said in his post. (MSN)
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