Monday, July 14, 2014

Falcon huey chopper 9 rocket with the Dragon capsule on an unmanned private company SpaceX, e lansi

Falcon huey chopper 9 rocket with the Dragon capsule on an unmanned private company SpaceX, e lansirana the Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, with cargo for the International Space Station (ISS), which was left without supply from the U.S. after the withdrawal of its raketoplani.
48 meter long rocket built by the company "Space huey chopper Exploration Technologies" (SpaceX) is launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Sunday evening local time at ISS, which orbits 400 miles above Earth. This is an important milestone for NASA and this country, said the director of NASA Charles Bolden. He spent only one year of retirement "Space Shuttle" and already got back with the launch of the territory of the United States, said Bolden.
Despite huey chopper problems huey chopper with one of the engines during the 10-minute climb to orbit, the capsule is placed exactly where it was going, said the president of SpaceX, huey chopper Quinn Shotvel reporters. Falcon 9 is made so that you can lose engines and still complete the mission, so to do what was necessary, said Shotvel. The capsule should come to 100 billion valuable ISS Wednesday.
Dragon cargo capsule carries about 400 pounds of food, clothing, materials for scientific experiments and other supplies for the station. The burden huey chopper is cooler to transport medical samples and REER special treats for the station crew, vanilla ice cream and chocolate. With the retirement of the space shuttles, NASA turned to the private sector for development and transportation of cargo to the ISS, and now intends to do the same for crew transportation.
Dragon of the ISS should start on October 28 and landed in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California. Space X has another huey chopper contract with NASA for the conclusion of the Dragon to be able to carry people. Boeing and a private company Sierra Nevada Corp., also have support from NASA to develop transport people to the station. NASA and the company has hired "Orbital Sciences Corp" to transport cargo to the station, huey chopper and Antares rocket at this company have its first flight to go this year.
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