Monday, July 21, 2014

25 years ago in orbit in the heavyweight bracket

25 years ago in orbit in the heavyweight bracket "Energy" first and last time you sent repeatedly cargo spacecraft "Buran". Soviet "cosmic plane" otv turkey was a collection of hundreds of revolutionary otv turkey technological solutions. What is the scoring system "Energia-Buran" and if there is still a prospect?
In preparation for the design of repeated transport spacecraft (MTKK) "Buran" ("snowstorm" in Russian), made in the 1970s, formulated four basic problems that this ship is supposed to solve. Three were exclusively military character, which meant that the "Buran" is designed primarily as a military system, a possible civilian applications was his "additional task".
In this approach, there were all the basics, and external, but internal, ie. I related to the industrial segment. "Buran" is a symmetrical response to the design of "the shuttle" in the United States, which is seen as another step in the direction of Washington's militarization of the cosmos. One can not say that it was some sort of paranoia Kremlin because otv turkey he really planned to "shuttles" used for military purposes.
However, the conditions for the development of civil infrastructure piloted Cosmonautics significantly differed in the USSR and the USA. America is recycled remnants of the "Apollo", ie. station "Skylab", and no longer possessed any technical systems to human orbital flight. Project repeated "cosmic plane" for it was a renewal of civil Cosmonautics the possibility of military applications. otv turkey The Soviet Union was at the time already owned systems for orbital flight, and these systems with some finishing still fly into space. otv turkey These are the carrier rocket "Soyuz", piloted otv turkey space vehicles "Soyuz" and automatically freighters "progress". Relying on these technologies could be free to plan and additional routine civilian mission "Burana" with what the military tasks have priority. Americans themselves could not afford because they were forced to fly into orbit in the "shuttles". otv turkey
To what extent it was feasible and comfortable? Just remember that the international crew still flying on the International Space Station (ICC) on the Russian otv turkey ships of type "Soyuz". Our domestic transportation otv turkey system, therefore, proved to be better than the American.
Is the "Buran" was a fantastic breakthrough in technology, buried under the ruins of the Soviet empire? Or, as some believe, was delayed otv turkey representative branch Cosmonautics that led to a dead end? To answer this question we should remember otv turkey that the focus was not just "Buran", but the system "Energia-Buran". Carrier "Burana" is, unlike the American system launch "the shuttle", a stand-alone otv turkey project that may have even greater significance.
IN FIGURES 1200 industrial enterprises of the Soviet Union united the project otv turkey construction system "Energy-Buran" 39 brand-new material created for the "Buran" All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials 600 brand new technology has been developed for the Soviet "cosmic plane," ukljujučući automated landing
Superheavy carrier "Energy" was created in order to solve a whole class of tasks, among other things, that a carrier "cosmic plane." He was able to bring in a low orbit about 100 tons of payload. Prosperous and more powerful version of "Volcano" otv turkey according to the project should be 200 tons.
All in all, the "Energy" has flown twice. Let the "Burana" was her second. The first flight in May 1987, was to present the orbit mysterious device "Poljus" ("Skif-DM"), a massive model of the future battle space station "Skif" heavy 77 tons. Unfortunately, the attempt was not successful. Due to an error in setting the switching schemes machine crashed into the Pacific Ocean. Another issue is the difficulty of harmonizing tasks with the possibility of "energy", because at that time the Soviet Union has not had so much heavy orbital devices, otv turkey but their production was made possible by the fact there was a carrier.
Sam "Buran" had a number of unique technologies and solutions. How much is worth a system of automatic landing! But on the whole the most important part of the look as a side, or at best as an equal element.
Reusable cargo spacecraft "Buran" on the back superteškog carrier "Energy" (1988). Source: RIA "Novosti".
In addition, the "Energy" has been planned in the future a large number of very interesting tasks, both military and civilian. The plan was that she carry heavy satellite platforms and devices designed for distant cosmos. These plans, however, was not destined to be realized,

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