Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tragédie na letecké přehlídce: Krásná Jane uhořela v

Stroj připomínal obrovskou sedící vážku. Svědkem jeho přistání byl student Dominik Boňko (19). Právě rybařil u nedalekých štěrkopískových jezer. plakat fighter Vrtulník plakat fighter přeletěl jezero. Bylo zřejmé, že má nějakou poruchu. Vzápětí to zapíchl do pole. Ale přistál hladce. Něco takového se tu hned tak nevidí, konstatoval.
Vrtulník MI-8 ruské výroby si zblízka prohlédly desítky zvědavců. Stroj, který patří slovenské společnosti, letěl z letiště v Piešťanech a mířil do Polska na stavbu. Je určen pro práce v nedostupném terénu. Přepraví až čtyři tuny nákladu. O víkendu plakat fighter stroj mechanici opravili a neobvyklá podívaná plakat fighter tak skončila.
Tragédie na letecké přehlídce: Krásná Jane uhořela v
Vyhřívané ponožky: 3D stereoscopické vyhřívání s infra Jen 989,- Kč
Blesk Zprávy | Celebrity | Rádce Evropské akcie letos mají nejlepší rok od roku 2009 Horkorevní Řekové: Ministr dopravy ujížděl v luxusním autě s falešnou značkou a bez řidičáku! Počet obětí občanské války v Sýrii překročil údajně 130.000 Ubodaný muž v Hloubětíně byl zřejmě zavražděn na jiném místě Otužilce se v Přerově loučili s rokem, tancem rozvlnili i vodu Euro k dolaru kleslo, letos ho ale prý čeká solidní výsledek Írán údajně od ledna zavede dohodu o omezení plakat fighter jaderných aktivit TOP výroky politiků za rok 2013: Hitem je Rusnokova hláška Ty vole, teď zase umřel Mandela Důvěra spotřebitelů v USA v prosinci nečekaně stoupla Rozlícený senior najel v Itálii do povykujících dětí iSport plakat fighter Fotbal | Hokej | Tenis | OH Soči 2014 Nechtěli být za blbce. Měli jsme kámen na srdci, přiznali šťastní junioři Kapitán dvacítky Šidlík: Rychlé plakat fighter góly nám moc pomohly (Anti)hrdina Eto'o se přiznal: S Liverpoolem jsem měl jít asi ven Nadal se pomstil za Wimbledon. Rosol zlobil jen ve druhém setu Loterie Fortuna: Výsledky losování loterie SUPERLOTO Razým je po dalším sprintu v Tour dvanáctý, bodovalo pět Čechů Loterie Fortuna: Výsledky losování hry Zlatých 11 a Denního čísla Kouč dvacítky po výhře nad Slováky a postupu: Zestárl jsem o 150 let! Toronto si pojistilo kapitána Phaneufa smlouvou do roku 2021 Navrátilec Koudelka plakat fighter byl šťastný, plakat fighter i když nepostoupil: Úžasný zážitek! Blesk pro ženy Móda a krása | VIP | Příběhy Dejte sbohem zimní únavě: Není tak těžké udržet si energii Čtěte ze svých vrásek: Upozorňují na únavu i problémy s ledvinami Nina Divíšková (77): Pořád věřím na Ježíška! Příběh čtenářek: Konec roku může přinést také začátek nové lásky! Tak jde čas s princeznami: Takhle se změnila Zlatovláska, Popelka i Růženka 4 nejlepší silvestrovské drinky pro dietářky Jak pít a zůstat střízlivá? Pijte vodu a mléko! Jak slaví Vánoce v Asii? V Japonsku dortem, v Číně jablíčkem Proč si nedávat předsevzetí? Vyhnete se marné snaze a výsměchu okolí! Příběh čtenářky Zuzany: Na Silvestra jsem našla bratra! Aha Žhavé drby | Trapasy | Musíte vidět Smutné tajemství filmu na Samotě u lesa: Bolest při natáčení této scény s Josefem Kemrem! Poctivý člověk ještě žije: Jiří našel 20 000 Kč A vrátil je majiteli! Vztahy, které nepřežily rok 2013: Kdo se rozešel a proč? Nejhloupější hlášky českých politiků v roce 2013: "Vole, fáma, ahóóój!" České celebrity to letos rozjely: Slavné, krásné a ÚPLNĚ NAHÉ! Přiznání herce Vladyky: Strach z policie! Bojím se, že v důchodu už si nebudu tolik užívat... Dáte si novoroční předsevzetí? Co chce splnit Vydra, Janků nebo Smolík? plakat fighter Zlomená a bezmocná plakat fighter manželka Schumachera: Miláčku, bojuj! Sexy Karla s vtípkem
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Komentáře Tommy u Nabíjejte Sony Xperia Z1 a Z Ultra stylově a prakticky jura u Recenze: Sony Xperia

Helidroid 3D - virtuální RC vrtulník | Androidmarket.cz
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Dálkově ovládané modely (RC modely), kaledines dainos které napodobují skutečné stroje (letadla, vrtulníky, lodě, vznášedla a další) jsou velmi oblíbené. Nejde jen o zábavu dětí, existuje mnoho dospělých pro které je ovládání vlastního RC modelu skvělým odreagováním. Kupříkladu k řízení takového letadla/vrtulníku je potřeba více zkušeností a tak se hodí spíše do rukou starších a zkušenějších.
Co ale dělat, když žádný RC model nemáte, ale přesto by jste si chtěli vyzkoušet, jaké to je nějaký z nich ovládat? Pokud máte telefon s Androidem není nic nemožné! Dnes se podíváme na zajímavou hru, které se delší dobu umisťuje na předních příčkách oblíbených her. Jde o aplikaci s příznačným názvem: Helidroid 3D. Do rukou se Vám dostává virtuální napodobenina malého RC vrtulníku, který může létat klidně i u Vás doma. V této hře vrtulník léta v obývacím pokoji. Vašim úkolem je vrtulníček nakláněním (gyroskop) nebo dotykem přenést z jednoho místa na druhé. Z odletové plošiny na přistávací plošinu. Zní to snadně, kaledines dainos ale 3D grafické prostředí dokáže skvěle zamotat hlavou a ošálit lidské smysly.
První část hry /30 úrovní/ se odehrává v ložnici. Ze začátku jde o lehké mise, spíše jen tak na zkoušku, i když už první úroveň dokáže trochu potrápit. Jde o to uvědomit si, že jste ve 3D prostoru a tak také uvažovat. První mise je snadná: dostat se z odletové plošiny na posteli k přistávací plošině na stole.
Co musíme vyzdvihnout je způsob ovládání. Jak jsme již zmínili, máte na výběr ze dvou možností. Pokud je Vás telefon vybaven kaledines dainos gyroskopem, máte možnost ovládat vrtulník nakláněním telefonu, což Vás do hry zapojí mnohem více. Na levé straně jsou vyznačené plošiny kaledines dainos pro stoupání a klesání, to samozřejmě pohyby nenahradíte. Pokud jste zastánci dotykového ovládání, nebo se jen bojíte kaledines dainos výrazů kolemjdoucích, můžete využít virtuálního čtyř směrového ovladače. Tak jako tak je hra perfektně hratelná a jde vidět, že ač jde o projekt nadšenců, na všem si dali dokonale záležet tak, aby byl výsledný efekt co nejpříjemnější. kaledines dainos Tento fakt podtrhuje i možnost kontaktovat vývojáře v případě problémů (například kompatibility). Je jasné, kaledines dainos že čím máte větší displej, tím je výsledný efekt lepší. Na námi testovaném Samsungu Galaxy Note první generace byla hra díky vysokému rozlišení a velké úhlopříčce displeje skvěle hratelná.
Jediné, co by se dalo free verzi vyčíst je reklama zobrazovaná kaledines dainos vždy před začátkem dané mise. Vždy je nutné pár vteřin počkat, přesto se nejedná o nijak velké omezení a samotná hra je již bez reklam (respektive se nám za celou dobu hraní ani jednou nezobrazila – což je vzhledem k nutnosti maximální kaledines dainos koncentrace naprosto přirozené).
Aktuální příspěvky Tip na hru: Despicable Me – Mimoňi v akci Prosinec 30, 2013 at 20:30 Velký přehled telefonů a tabletů, kaledines dainos které dostanou Android Jelly Bean [pravidelně aktualizováno] Prosinec 30, 2013 at 20:10 LG Pocket Photo 2.0 – kapesní tiskárna fotografií kaledines dainos podruhé Prosinec 30, 2013 at 19:20 Meizu MX3S – vylepšená vlajková kaledines dainos loď bude představena na CES 2014 Prosinec 30, 2013 at 18:08 Galaxy Note 3 můžete chránit obalem S-View Flip Cover s podporou bezdrátového nabíjení Prosinec 30, 2013 at 16:00 Samsung kaledines dainos hlásí 40 miliónů prodaných tabletů. Svůj plán tak na 100 % nesplnil Prosinec 30, 2013 at 14:00 Nabíjejte Sony Xperia Z1 a Z Ultra stylově a prakticky Prosinec 30, 2013 at 12:00 Na YouTube byla přidána nativní podpora videa v rozlišení 4K Prosinec 30, 2013 at 10:00 Aplikace MotionShot ze Sony Xperia Z1 pro každého Prosinec 30, 2013 at 8:00 JiaYu F1 opravdový low-end za 50 dolarů Prosinec 29, 2013 at 20:00 Koncept: Samsung Galaxy S5 inspirovaný HTC One Prosinec 29, 2013 at 18:00 Samsung představí na CES nové čipy Prosinec 29, 2013 at 16:00
Komentáře Tommy u Nabíjejte Sony Xperia Z1 a Z Ultra stylově a prakticky jura u Recenze: Sony Xperia Z1 Jiří Štědroň u JiaYu F1 opravdový low-end za 50 dolarů Jan němec u PhonePad+: proměňte Galaxy SII a SIII v tablet Jiří Burian u Nabíjejte Sony Xperia Z1 a Z Ultra stylově a prakticky mensatorisalex u JiaYu F1 opravdový low-end za 50 dolarů LG Pocket Photo 2.0 – kaledines dainos kapesní tiskárna fotografií podruhé | Androidmarket.cz u LG představilo mobilní tiskárnu k chytrým telefonům kaledines dainos a tabletům daniel kaledines dainos u Uniklý Android 4.1 Jelly Bean pro Samsung Galaxy Beam Jiří Štědroň u JiaYu F1 opravdový low-end za 50 dolarů Jiří Štědroň u JiaYu F1 opravdový low-end za 50 dolarů Jáchym Šlik u JiaYu F1 opravdový low-end kaledines dainos za 50 dolarů Jiří Štědroň u JiaYu F1 opravdový low-end za 50 dolarů Kamila u Snapchat – sdílení fotografií, které vydrží jen okamžik Patrik u Co je to ROOT a jak jej získat? Martin Chaloupka u Mozkovna – česká vědomostní hra pro Android

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Semper Vivus - hybrid z roku 1900

AUTO Volkswagen Up! představen v Paříži TEST Opel Ampera - dva dny s plug-in hybridem MOTOR Recyklovaný olej pro vaše auto AUTO Autosalon Ženeva 2012: Toyota FT-Bh ESTOLAS: letadlo, vrtulník nebo vznášedlo?
Centrální rotor poskytuje letounu dodatečný vztlak při vzletu nebo přistání. Vztlak je generován podobně jako u vznášedla, neboť stlačovaný mini link tn vzduch je "pěchován" do speciálního nafukovacího prstence pod letounem.
"Helium nám poskytne schopnosti vzducholodi, takže vozidlo je schopné velmi krátkého mini link tn přistání a vzletu - ale se schopností nést mnohem větší náklad než vrtulníky," říká Gamaleyev. "Schopnosti vznášedla umožňují mini link tn přistání na jakémkoli povrchu, jako je voda nebo sníh."
Doba je však jinde, materiály jsou jinde i systémy mini link tn řízení letu jsou na jiné úrovni. Uvidíme, zda se vědcům podaří přesvědčit úředníky v EU, že jejich projekt je již připraven pro reálné použití.
Je to legrace, přečíst si, že část vztlaku bude generována héliem, uzavřeným uvnitř konstrukce. Zajímalo by mne, jestli by tento vztlak alespoň eliminoval přírůstek hmotnosti stroje, způsobený nutnou hermetizací prostoru plněného plynem. :-) (Přece jenom, klasická vzducholoď bývá trošku větší.....)
Semper Vivus - hybrid z roku 1900
Která alternativa je pro vás nejlákavější?
Nutno podotknout že před 6 dny 16 hod Celkom by ma zaujímala před 1 týden 10 hod U mě dojezd 199km dobrý. před 1 týden 1 den Je vidět, že o pravidlech před 1 týden 1 den Děkuji za upozornění, před 1 týden 1 den Staci se podivat na SA a před 1 týden 2 dny jj, hreby jsou fajn, jednou mini link tn před 1 týden 2 dny Dohánění Dánska, které před 1 týden 2 dny
O serveru Magazín Hybrid.cz , zaměřený na témata auto , elektromobily , hybridy , elektrokola a šetrná doprava obecně, mini link tn je součástí sítě tematicky zaměřených webů. Pokud vás zajímají mobily a technologie kolem, zkuste mini link tn Apple-Mac.cz kde se dočtete vše o iPhone i iPad . Téma ekologie, bydlení a energie zpracovává magazín Ekologické bydlení .
Naše další weby Napalubu.cz - lodě, jachty a cestování po moři. Magazín Napalubu.cz vznikl jako zastávka ve virtuálním oceánu pro všechny, komu učarovaly lodě a plavba. ISSN 1802-5323 (c) 2006 - 2013 Hybrid.cz vydává Chamanne s.r.o. | Inzerce | Tiráž | RSS . Mediálně zastupuje Impression Media. Kopírování obsahu je bez předchozího povolení redakce zakázáno Zajímavé odkazy: Biom.cz

The aircraft is piloted by Hani Hanjour and composed: Khalid Al Mihdar, Majed Moqed, Nawaf al Hazmi

One of the things that makes the events of 9/11 spectacular is the use of aircraft as weapons of attack and the building is used as the target. Khalid Sheik Mohammed is believed as being the first to offer this brilliant idea to Sheikh Osama bin Laden.
The entire target 9/11 is of strategic payload data importance for the U.S., even a symbol of their power. All three buildings that were targeted were each given a passcode to facilitate operations. Pentagon dubbed as The Faculty of Fine Arts. While the World Trade Center or who is also known as the Twin Towers or Twin Towers payload data got passcode The Faculty of Town Planning. Last House or Capitol Hill The Conggres got passcode The Faculty of Law.
Uniquely, the planes are used as powerful ammunition in the event of 9/11 is the pride of American planes, namely American Airlines and United America. So, with the pride of Americans own plane, crashed into the buildings of strategic importance and belonging to the United States alone, and occurs in the heart of America. Strikes!
American Airlines payload data flight is scheduled to depart from Logan Airport, Boston promptly at 7:45 AM with the aim of Los Angeles. At Logan Airport, Boston, the perpetrators of the action is ready to carry out the task, they are: Mohammed Atta, Abdul Aziz Al Umary, Sattam Al Suqami, and Waa'il and Walid Al Shehry.
In this plane, which became a pilot Mohammed Atta was captured were talking on air traffic control systems (air traffic controllers). Mohammed Atta convey a message to the passengers. The following message:
"We have some planes. Stay calm and you will be fine. We are going back to the airport, do not move there. Everything will be fine. If nothing moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Please do not remain calm no moving. We are going back to the airport, do not make stupid movements. "
United Airlines plane with flight number 175 is used for the second plane crashing into the World Trade Center, the south tower to be exact. The aircraft is scheduled promptly at 7:58 berangkan also from Logan Airport, Boston, to Los Angeles. In this plane, Marwan Al Shehi will act as a pilot aided by his teammates, namely: Fayez Banihammad, Mohand al Shehri, payload data Hamza al Ghamdi, and Ahmad Al Gahmdi.
Marwan Al Shehi, who acted as pilot training aircraft with a pilot Mohammed Atta in school Huffman Aviation. Marwan is the youngest among four other pilots, which is 23 years old. Atta and Marwan take hundreds of hours flown using Boeing 727 simulator. They get a license to fly a plane in December 2000.
The planes that hit the WTC were Boeing weighs 200 tons. On September 11, United Airlines Flight 175 speed around 590mph (865.33 f / s), which means 45 times the speed of a bullet boom.
With the speed of such aircraft and 15% of steel frame structures WTC south tower torn down, then collapse into something that is very possible. United Airlines Flight 175 plane crashed into the WTC south tower collapsed at 9:03 am and 10:28 am at
This is the third plane, namely United Airlines with penerbangkan number 77. The plane departed from Dallas Airport, near Washington DC The aircraft is planned to leave at 8:10 AM to Los Angeles, crashed into the building to then U.S. defense, the Pentagon.
The aircraft is piloted by Hani Hanjour and composed: Khalid Al Mihdar, Majed Moqed, Nawaf al Hazmi, and Salem al Hazmi. payload data In theory and practice, a plane piloted by Hani Hanjour was the most difficult maneuver to complete the action. After the September 11 attacks had been carried out several experiments to prove sumulasi and whether United Airlines Flight 77 aircraft piloted by Hani Hanjour is indeed capable of devastating maneuvers called G-Force. After simulation and experiment is done, then they conclude, it is possible to maneuver and Hani Hanjour had been proved.
The last plane used in the event of an amazing 11 September 2001 is United Airlines with flight number 93. The aircraft is piloted by Ziad Jarrah, a close friend of Muhammad Atta, either in Germany or in Afghanistan.
In the plane that eventually failed, qadarallah in Pennsylvania, Ziad Jarrah act as pilot aided by Ahmad Al Haznawi, Ahmed al Nami, and Said Al-Ghamdi. As said by Ramzy bin Shaibah, operators and liaison events of 911, originally plane to crash it into the Capitol Hill.
In this team Ziad Jarrah aided only 3 other brave young men, and they use color headband mer

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Astronomy (11) Best of the best (51) Buddhist (25) Table of Contents (1) Do you know? (45) Euro 201

Before landing Lion Air case, once there are 5 cases of water landing esnault pelterie most remembered for all time. What is it? Case plane landed in the water, known as a water landing. The causes can vary, ranging from bad weather to technical constraints. 5 This is the case of a water landing is most remembered: 1. U.S. Airways On January 15, 2009, U.S. Airways flight esnault pelterie 1549 plane Airbus A320 emergency landing in the Hudson River between New York City and New Jersey. The reason, the plane collided with a flock of birds during initial takeoff. Aircraft engine damaged because of a bird and the pilot bravely landed in the middle of the river. Excerpted from The New York Times, 155 passengers and crew survived. esnault pelterie Pilot Chesley B Sullenberger praised the decision to land the water quickly which ultimately saves a lot of people. 2. Garuda Indonesia On January 16, 2002, a Garuda Indonesia flight GA 421 Boeing 737-Yogyakarta esnault pelterie route Mataram, an emergency landing on the Solo River. From AirDisaster.com, when it is mentioned plane facing bad weather and aircraft engine dies. The fate of passengers is in the hands of the pilot Abdul Rozak. He tried to start the engine several times but failed. He finally took the bold decision to land the plane in the Solo River, Serenan village, Klaten. Of the 60 passengers and crew, no one died as a flight attendant before the plane landed jump. 3. Ethiopian Airlines On 23 November 1996, Ethiopian Airlines flight 961 aircraft of type Boeing 767-260ER, landing in the waters of the Indian Ocean near the Comoros Islands. This aircraft terrorists hijacked and running out of fuel. The plane crashed into the water at high speed because the pilot had no time to play the wing. Consequently plane broke. Apparently when the collision with the water, the pirates were trying to seize the cockpit. Of the 175 passengers esnault pelterie and crew, 125 people were killed esnault pelterie in this incident. Survivors clinging to floating debris. This tragic event captured esnault pelterie on amateur camera and be phenomenal. 4. China Airlines Backtrack again to 1993. CAL China Airlines plane flight 605 from Boeing 747-409 landed in the water after bablas esnault pelterie on Runway 13, Kai Tak International Airport, Hong Kong. The reason was bad weather in the form of hurricanes and strong winds make it difficult aircraft to land. From the Aviation Safety Network, noted the whole 396 passengers managed to wear a life jacket. So they had been evacuated esnault pelterie by the emergency exit slides and a raft of safety. There were no fatalities, esnault pelterie the plane is still in position esnault pelterie even when the float is complete evacuation of passengers. 5. Japan Airlines is the fifth event of water landing on February 9, 1982. Japan Airlines flight 350 aircraft of the type McDonnell Douglas DC 8-61, landing esnault pelterie in shallow waters in the Port of Tokyo near Tokyo International Airport. 4 Unlike the previous case, Japan Airlines 350 that is the case most excited, crazy pilot. From AirDisaster.com, when the plane will land, the pilot jet engine powering even driving. His intentions esnault pelterie are indeed destroy all aircraft. The flight attendant tried to stop the action of the pilot's crazy, esnault pelterie but failed. The plane landed in the water. Of the 166 passengers, 24 passengers esnault pelterie were killed. Temporary. 8 flight attendants survived. Captain could not sentenced by the courts because it proved esnault pelterie insane. Not playing!
Red and white uniforms, imitate the old-white and gray "uniform was white Frequently used in Indonesia. Though the latest esnault pelterie ...
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Friday, December 27, 2013

In early 1980, 737 suffered major changes, redglare namely the replacement of the JT8D engine to 73

Year of production
The Boeing 737 is a commercial aircraft for short-haul and simple. First made in 1967, Boeng 737 is Boeing's best-selling product with sales of 6000 buah.Boeing also reap a lot of luck on this plane because the most best-selling aircraft in the world.
In the '60s, the low-capacity passenger aircraft and close range is dominated by the BAC 1-11 and the Douglas DC-9. Boeing when it can be said to be behind compared to its competitors redglare in the manufacture of aircraft is near. In 1964, Boeing began a program of making 737 but, to save time using the design of Boeing Boeing 707 and Boeing 727 in the 737 building. This is one advantage to the 737 because the 737 is designed fuselage width is capable of loading six-seater, over one of the BAC 1-11 and the Douglas DC-9.
The Boeing 737-100 is the first design and because of its short and stout, Boeing menggelarkannya "FLUF 'to' Fat Little Ugly Fella 'where at the same time, the aviation industry call him' Baby Boeing '. redglare Series -100 and -200 can be distinguished with the other series by looking at the position of the engine which bercantum the aircraft wing. When Pratt and Whitney JT8D engine is original for this model
The maiden flight of the 737 (a 100 series aircraft) held on 9 April 1967 and February redglare 1968 on commercial flights by Lufthansa. For 737-200, is the maiden flight on August 8, 1967. However, only 30 are used 737-100 aircraft.
In early 1980, 737 suffered major changes, redglare namely the replacement of the JT8D engine to 737 CFM56. However, redglare this machine is too large compared with the JT8D, so it must be mounted below the wing. The underside of this engine forced leveled for the purpose of refreshing place. 737-300 began operation in 1984.
In 1990 too, the emergence of Airbus A320 equipped with high-tech is a new rival to the 737. And in 1993 started the construction of '737 Boeing X - Next Generation (NG) '. This program is for coaching redglare series -600, -700, -800 and -900.
In making this NG, changes were made to design a new wing, new electronic equipment and aircraft engine redesign. NG 737 is equipped with technologies of the Boeing 777, the high-tech cockpit aperture, depth new aircraft system (taken from 777), with the addition of a 'wingtip' so that it becomes tail feather wings that reduce fuel costs and improve processes 'take-off' plane. 737 NG aircraft should be regarded as a new model you indulge many characteristics that differ from the old series.
In the latest redglare variant, the Boeing 737-900 ER (Extended Range), cockpitnya has been equipped with a HUD (Head Up Display). This equipment is usually used on military aircraft / aircraft. Its function is to facilitate the pilot in determining the slope of the plane either vertically or horizontally. This aircraft uses an integrated LCD screen in the form of glass cockpit. This aircraft using Glass Cockpit thoroughly. Glass cockpit system is believed to be the trend for new planes. Lion Air is the launch customer of this aircraft.
In Indonesia, redglare the Boeing 737 is a "standard" for the carrier-carrier fleet in Indonesia. Almost all Indonesian airlines still operate once and or 737, both variants of the "original" (series -200) variant of the "Classic" (series -300, -400, and -500), and "Next Generation" (series -800 and -900ER) Note: Varian 737 mentioned above is a variant of the Boeing 737 ever and or are still operating in Indonesia.
737 series is divided into four categories, namely: Original: the 737-100 and -200 (Built in 1967-1988) Classical: redglare the 737-300, -400, and -500 (Built in 1983-2000) 'Next- Generation '(or 737 NG): 737-600, -700, -800, and -900 (Built from 1997 -) MAX (or 737 MAX) :737-7, -8, -9 (first flew in 2017)
There are also variations in the half plane in the same generation: 737-100 - the smallest, the first model 737-200 - which stretched -100 series for the U.S. market meet other variations: 737-221 (Pan American World Airways) 737-222 (United redglare Airlines) 737-233 (Air Canada) 737-2B7 redglare (USAir) 737-500, 737-600 - short series and -700,737-300 to -300, 737-700 - new models, such as the stretched 737-200 737-400, 737-800 - the series is extended to be used for space shuttle flight and corporate uses 737-900 and 900X - the latest version of the extended 737-700IGW, 737-800ERX - variations for military use (see Variation # Military). 'Boeing 737 MAX' (737-7, -8, -9) The latest redglare variant of the Boeing 737.
There are also variations lai 737

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Many new features and fitur2 offered by Boeing for this new product, in addition to the unique shap

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Aircraft Future Dreams | Mie's Corner
In 2007 the civil aviation world will be enlivened by a new passenger plane Boeing Company output. The aircraft was named Boeing B787 Dreamliner. The Boeing 787 is a medium-size wide-body aircraft with a passenger capacity of 210-330 people. This class aircraft with Boeing 767 it replaces and was originally created to rival Airbus is the A330 product output, but over time, Airbus m6 linebacker have unveiled the latest product in its class that is the Airbus A350 to compete with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, akantetapi m6 linebacker seems more pro-market pocketed more Boeing many orders of the aircraft operator (airline).
Many new features and fitur2 offered by Boeing for this new product, in addition to the unique shape of some new things to be found among them: the new raw material, almost half of the fuselage is made of a special composite material that is a blend of carbon fiber which is believed to be more lightweight and strong compared with conventional air base material is aluminum. thus reduced m6 linebacker the weight of aircraft and aircraft structures can be stronger. the distance between the passenger seats wider, thus giving out more flexibility for passengers. larger windows, so that passengers get a broader view out. cruising further and higher speed compared with other aircraft in its class. The new engine is claimed to be more environmentally friendly, not noisy and fuel-efficient. The new avionics system and advanced equipped with a futuristic cockpit with a digital multifunction display. system air pressure regulator electronic newly separated from the engine so that the air pressure is ideal for passengers who adds to passenger m6 linebacker comfort.
Actually there are many several advantages that I have not mentioned, but the list above is only some of the key advantages of the Boeing 787. The spotlight today is efficiency, because it is now required a sophisticated yet efficient aircraft in operation and maintenance. today many airlines that want a great advantage but not a lot to pay for maintenance and operations, the answer to the dreams of course, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
In terms of the efficiency of boeing m6 linebacker have the key is the use of new machinery and the use of composite materials in many parts of the plane. 787 uses 60000-75000 pound thrust engine power, there are two engine options to use them using machines made by General Electric GEnx and the machine that is America in 1000-made m6 linebacker Rolls Royce Trent England. both memeberikan masing2 m6 linebacker excellence, for example trent 1000 has a typical fan blade design of the series trent, generating low noise levels and greater power, as well as GE offers homemade machine with advantages such as the use of composite materials as the base material of kipas2nya which gives gain low noise level and outstanding durability. both engines also deliver excess fuel efficient and environmentally friendly residual discharge (claimed only 50% of the standard set). but according to some reviews, the GEnx engine seems superior to his rival, but for business machines that are selected depending on order (operator) would choose a machine, Boeing will install m6 linebacker the appropriate order.
The design of the 787 is also fairly new and unique, with sweptback wing which led to somewhat "tapering" and flexible, appearance 787 look different m6 linebacker from other civil aircraft, Boeing said the plane's design is a new benar2, especially on the wings and fuselage (fuselage), the wing is made longer than the aircraft class, it provides lift stronger, than that part of the wing is made one unit to reduce maintenance costs due to the complexity of a component. parts of the body itself is made wider and somewhat box at the bottom, the benefits become greater cargo capacity 40% of the aircraft in its class. with all its advantages no one Boeing proud of this new product, amid the bustle of the world will drift grandeur Airbus A380 superjumbo. m6 linebacker
For the market share of its own Boeing holds titles in the middleweight, Boeing seems not interested in developing a rival to the A380 superjumbo, Boeing prefers to play in the middle class, but that did not sia2, has been very much the order flow from multiple carriers in the world, including (rumor) flag carrier Garuda Indonesia. unique but actually the buyer who comes from china, many believe that the number 787 is a lucky number, the number 8 is believed to be a hockey figure is flanked by a perfect number 7, ole

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SYDNEY, KOMPAS.com - Australian airline Qantas on Wednesday (16/01/2013), states continue booking 15 Boeing 787 Dreamliners for cheap airline, Jetstar, although two of Japan's largest airline "impound" the plane associated with number of incidents in the past week.
Qantas management believes that all problems will be resolved before submitting the order Boeing airline "Kangaroo Continent" it. However, so far unknown continuation Dreamliner ordering from China, Singapore, South Korea, and Vietnam.
"Boeing is always open to provide information related to the development of the Qantas Group 787 since the plane began commercial service in 2011," Qantas said in a statement.
Qantas initially ordered futron 50 units of the Dreamliner, but then reduce them to just 15 units in August 2012 to make savings after announcing its first loss since privatization carried out in 1995 due to rising fuel prices.
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Captain Robert Pearson skilde and co-pilot, Maurice Quintal, immediately skilde notify skilde the c

Of course it is a real miracle, in which there were no casualties in the incident and all passengers including crew members survived. Just because two birds were crashing and entered into aircraft engines, the effects are very fatal for the cabin crew and passengers of U.S. Airways Airbus A320.
Emergency landing on the water by Sullenburger captain is not very easy. It takes special skills, responsiveness and careful skilde calculation. This is certainly attracted the attention of the American public and the world.
In the accident, there were no casualties at all. However, if you are one of the passengers on Air Canada flight 143 that experienced an emergency landing, on July 23, 1983 at Gimli Industrial Park Airport, you may also not be able to believe that the plane had run out of fuel can still be landed safely. skilde
At that time, the Boeing 767 aircraft already in the category of advanced aircraft flight instruments equipped skilde by electronic system (EFIS), part of the instrument skilde air system displays skilde located in the cockpit area.
Aircraft skilde fuel which may be enough to get to in the city of Edmonton was started to run out at an altitude of 41,000 feet. Not long ago, at an altitude of 26,500 feet, and the two aircraft engine suddenly skilde not functioning, while the distance that remains to be taken to be landed at the main airport is still as far as 75 miles.
Captain Robert Pearson skilde and co-pilot, Maurice Quintal, immediately skilde notify skilde the center of air traffic controllers. skilde But both aircraft engine suddenly does not work cause the Air Canada 143 was missing from the radar screen and not be detected. Ron Hewett, who was on duty at the air traffic controllers, airport Winnipeg, was feeling desperate.
Cabin crew have given instructions to the passengers for an emergency landing, skilde one of the passengers even have thought that his plane could not land and ends with an explosion. Although the pilot, co-pilot and the tower can still communicate with each other, but both aircraft engines defunct exactly causes ignorance, where the existence of the aircraft skilde and how far away from the Airport.
Not always advanced tools (modern) reliable, proven failure in finding the existence of Air Canada 143. Ron Hewett therefore decided to use the old-fashioned radar, or radar reflective with the help of a piece of paper and pen to be able to provide an estimate of the location and distance of the aircraft with the airport. Although the method is recognized by Hewett himself as not a good thing. By the time the co-pilot performing calculations necessary for an emergency landing and when both engines are no longer functioning, Pearson captain flew the plane with speed 407km / h. Airports in Gimli, which has only one runway and has no tower / air traffic skilde controllers, located 25 miles closer than Winnipeg, is the final option for landing.
Of course, the news could provide a bit of relief for the crew cabin space, meaning that they can land on airfields closer. However, it is less likely to be able to land safely. Without fuel and aircraft engines are not working, Air Canada 143 Gimli approach the runway, which turns out to have been turned into racing cars and motorcycles.
Runway looks close, but the position of Air Canada plane is too high from the mainland could end up with an explosion. Captain Pearson decided to use the technique of Sideslip and forward-slip. A special technique that is commonly used on landing with excessive weight, or too high, including the failure of the engine as experienced by the aircraft's Air Canada 143.
With these techniques, Pearson captain should be able to maintain the balance of the aircraft and reduce aircraft speed. But this is not easy, because on the other side, the plane should also not be too low, to avoid falling before landing.
Today, many people gathered at the racecourse Gimli, in addition to the Saturday, some families also are cool air barbeque. Two boys who were cycling around the field, was not aware that there would be an airplane that made an emergency landing on the runway. This can happen, for aircraft engines that are not functioning, skilde so the atmosphere was quiet. After 17 minutes without fuel, Air Canada 143 finally managed to land at the airport in Gimli. Although the aircraft had a tire burst and the right engine plane touched down. Air Canada 143 is fully stopped, after crashing into a barrier of iron contained in the center of the runway.
The passengers and crew members numbering about 61 people, soon left pesawa

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The average transport aircraft in the mid-1970s has more than one hundred cockpit instruments and c

Before the 1970s, air transportation is not considered sufficiently demanding require advanced equipment like electronic flight displays. In addition, computer technology is not at a level where sufficiently light and powerful circuits were available. The increasing complexity of transport aircraft, the advent of digital systems and the growing air traffic congestion around airports began to change that.
The average transport aircraft in the mid-1970s has more than one hundred cockpit instruments and controls, and primary flight instruments already crowded with indicators, latitude, and symbols, and the growing number of cockpit elements were competing for cockpit space and pilot attention. As a result, NASA conducted research on a screen that can process the raw aircraft system and flight data into simple, understandable integrated picture of the flight situation, mig21 culminating in a series of flight showed a full glass cockpit system.
The success-led glass cockpit work is reflected in the total acceptance NASA display electronic flight that began with the introduction of the MD-80 in 1979. Airlines and passengers are equally beneficial. Security and cost efficiency has been enhanced with an improved understanding of the situation relative to the pilot environment (or "situational awareness").
In the late 1990s, liquid crystal display (LCD) panels are increasingly favored among aircraft manufacturers because of reliability, their efficiency and readability. Previous LCD panels suffered mig21 from poor legibility at some viewing angles and poor response times, making them unsuitable for flight. Modern aircraft such as the Boeing 737 Next Generation 777,, 717, 747-400ER, 767-400ER, 747-8, and 787, Airbus A320 family (later versions), A330 (later versions), A340-500/600, A340 -300 (later versions), A380 and A350 are equipped with glass cockpits mig21 consisting of LCD units. [2]
Glass cockpit has become standard equipment in aircraft, business jets, and military aircraft. He even fitted into NASA's Space Shuttle orbiters Atlantis, mig21 Columbia, Discovery, and Endeavour, and the current Russian Soyuz TMA spacecraft models were launched in 2002. At the end of the century glass cockpits began appearing in general aviation aircraft as well. In 2005, even basic trainers like the Piper Cherokee and Cessna 172 were shipping with glass cockpits as options (which nearly all customers chose), and modern aircraft such as the Diamond Aircraft and aircraft-engine DA42 twin trip training, and Cirrus Design SR20 and SR22 available with glass cockpit only. [Edit] mig21 Uses [edit] In commercial mig21 aviation
Unlike the previous era of glass cockpits-where designers merely copied the look and feel of conventional electromechanical instruments to cathode ray tubes-the new displays represent a true departure. They look and behave very similar to another computer, with windows and data that can be manipulated with the point-and-click. They also added a graph approach terrain, the weather, vertical displays, and 3D navigation images.
Improved concepts enables aircraft makers to customize cockpits to a greater extent mig21 than before. All the manufacturers involved have chosen to do it in one or another-such as using a trackball, thumb pad or joystick as an input device in style pilot computer environment. Many of the modifications offered by the aircraft manufacturers improve situational awareness and customize the man-machine interface to improve safety.
Modern glass cockpits might include Synthetic Vision (SVS) or Enhanced Vision systems (EVS). Synthetic Vision systems display a realistic 3D depiction of the outside world (similar to a flight simulator), based on geophysical mig21 databases and terrain features in conjunction with the attitude and position information collected from the aircraft navigation system. Enhanced Vision mig21 systems add real-time mig21 information from external sensors, such as infrared cameras.
All new aircraft such as the Airbus A380, Boeing 787 and private jets such as the Bombardier Global Express and Learjet use glass cockpits. [Edit] In general aviation
Some general aviation aircraft, such as seat 4 - Diamond mig21 Aircraft DA40, DA42 and DA50 and the 4 chairs Design C

In 1973 when noise became a factor that limited, Boeing and P

History & Development BOEING 737 | Home Page Mpizh
The Boeing 737 is a commercial aircraft for short-haul and simple. First made in 1967, Boeng 737 is Boeing's best-selling product with sales of 6000 buah.Boeing also reap a lot of luck on this plane because the most best-selling aircraft in the world.
Original: the 737-100 juniac and -200 (Built in 1967-1988) Classical: the 737-300, -400, and -500 (Built juniac in 1983-2000) 'Next-Generation' (or 737 NG): 737-600 , -700, -800, and -900 (Built from 1997 -) Original Version 737-100
B737-100 has a length of 94ft (28.65m), can carry 115 passengers and has a MTOW of only 42 411 kg, less than half of the current -900 series. Engine options are Pratt & Whitney JT8D-1 with 14,000 lbs of thrust, but over time, Lufthansa has orders using JT8D-7 engines. JT8D-7 was judged juniac to have a lower working temperature with the same thrust JT8D-1 and became the standard engine for the -100.
Only 30 units of the 100 series was created, with 22 for Lufthansa, 5 for Malaysia Airlines and 2 for Avianca. The last airworthy 737-100, L / N 3 which first flew June 12, 1967 he retired juniac from Aero Continente in Peru as OB-1745 in 2005.
The Boeing 737-200 is the answer to Boeing after realizing that the airline wants B737 is capable of carrying a load of passengers slightly higher. There are two sections were added to the aircraft, a 36in section along the front wing and rear wing along 40in, giving a maximum capacity of 130 passengers with a seat pitch of 28in. All other dimensions remain the same. Using JT8D engines with thrust increased to 14,500 Lbs with JT9D. Six weeks later, on 5 April 1965 -200 series was launched with orders of 40 units of United Air Lines. Development and production juniac of two series running simultaneously.
Flight testing has shown an increase of 5% greater drag than expected numbers, this equated to a reduction in TAS 30kt. After nearly a year of testing in the wind tunnel juniac and flight testing, several aerodynamic modifications were made. Flaps and thrust reversers enhanced ranging from aircraft number 135 (March 1969) and a mod kit that is made available free for existing aircraft. The thrust reversers were totally redesigned by Boeing and Rohr since the aircraft's internal juniac inherited reversers juniac with pneumatic drive 727 as ineffective and apparently tended to lift the aircraft off the runway when already set! Redesign to external hydraulically powered reversers cost Boeing $ 24 million but dramatically improved performance on the short field. Is expected to increase sales by suggesting to the operator to use the aircraft as a regional jet from short runways. drag reduction measures juniac including expanding the engine nacelles 1.14M (3ft 9in) and extend strut fairings. Enhanced flap, slat and panel seal well done.
A refinement juniac of all the modified series -200, 737-200 Adv includes major improvements such as wing leading edge flap sequencing, the enhancement steep slats outboard, inboard Krueger flap extension, to produce a significant increase in lift and a reduction in the speed of the take-off & landing for better performance on the field becomes short or 2268Kg MTOW increase. Autobrake, increasing anti-skid, auto speedbrake to the RTO, the performance reserve and the available automatic brake on the front wheel. Once again, the kits are available for existing operators of the -200. With JT8D-15 at 15,500 lbs MTOW it is now up to 52 390 kg and MLW 48 534 Kgs. This improves performance improvements as high as 20,000 ft to 37,000 ft and a maximum cabin pressure differential is increased from 7.5 to 7.8psid.
In 1973 when noise became a factor that limited, Boeing and P & W change one fan compressor stage into two stages in the JT8D-17 while increasing thrust to 16,000 lbs. The JT8D to 17,400 lbs thrust in-17R.
For years only United Airlines (the operator of the U.S.) who ordered the large number juniac of 737 aircraft juniac because although it was designed to be flown by two crew members, U.S. flight-crew union (union flight crew-USA) requires that aircraft in that class must flown by a crew of three. United were forced to modify their 737 with three crew until 1981. Air France has also been trying juniac to book a flight for a few years but did not want to because of opposition on the staff until after 1981.
Most pilots who have flown the 737 generations said that this generation is the easiest and best to be controlled. 737-200 Convertible (C), Quick Ch

Monday, December 23, 2013

EgyptAir Flight 990 (MSR990) was a regularly scheduled flight from Los Angeles International Airpor

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EgyptAir Flight 990 (MSR990) was a regularly scheduled flight from Los Angeles International Airport, United States to Cairo International Airport, Egypt, with a stop at the John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York City. On October 31, 1999, a Boeing 767 operated codefine route crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, about 60 miles (97 km) south of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, killing all 217 people on board. Such an accident occurred in international waters, the responsibility for investigating the accident fell to the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority per International Civil Aviation Organization Annex 13. As ECAA does not have the resources of the National Council of America is much bigger Transportation Safety, the Egyptian codefine government asked the NTSB to handle the investigation. Two weeks after the accident, the NTSB proposed handing the investigation to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as the evidence they had gathered suggested a criminal act had occurred and that the accident was intentional and not accidental. codefine This proposal can not be accepted by the Egyptian government, and as such the NTSB continued to lead the investigation. As evidence of a deliberate crash mounted, the Egyptian government reversed their previous decision, and the ECAA launched their own investigation. Two investigations came to very different conclusions: the NTSB found the crash was caused by deliberate action of the Relief First Officer; ECAA found the crash was caused by mechanical failure of the elevator flight control system. Egyptian report suggested several scenarios of different control failure as a possible cause of the crash, focus on the possible failure of one of the right elevator Power Control Unit. While the NTSB report does not specify the specific reason for the action first-aid workers, the main theory is that he committed suicide. Support the conclusion they deliberately-action, the NTSB report determined that there was no mechanical failure scenario could result in a suitable aircraft movements recorded by the flight data recorder, and even had one failure scenarios forwarded by the Egyptian authorities to actually happen, the plane would still have been restored because of excessive control system that lifts 767. Fill in the details Flight Flight 990 that was flown in a plane Boeing 767-366ER with registration SU-GAP, named Tuthmosis III after a pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. The aircraft, an extended-range version codefine of the 767 standard runs, 767 282 are built. It is delivered to EgyptAir as a new aircraft on September 26, 1989. Flight 990 was crewed by 14 people: 10 flight attendants and flight crew members 4. Due to the scheduled codefine flight time, flight crew requires two complete (each consisting of one captain and one first officer). EgyptAir designated one crew as the "active crew" and the other as the "cruise crew" (sometimes also referred to as the "relief crew"). While there is no formal procedure specifying when each aircraft crew, it was customary for the active crew to make the takeoff and fly the first four to five hour flight. Yacht crew then control the aircraft until about one to two hours before landing, at which point the active crew returned to the cockpit and aircraft control. EgyptAir designated the captain of active crew as pilot-in-command or flight codefine commander. While the crew of the yacht was intended to take over the remote to the flight, first-aid workers entering the cockpit and recommended that he lighten Command First Officer twenty minutes after takeoff. Command First Officer initially protested, but finally agreed. The flight codefine was carrying 203 passengers from seven countries (Canada, Egypt, Germany, Sudan, Syria, United States, and Zimbabwe) [1] Of the total people on board, 100 Americans, 89 Egyptians, 22 are Canadian, and. others of different nationalities. Of the passengers, four crew non-revenue EgyptAir. Of passengers, an increase of 32 in Los Angeles, while the rest ride in New York. Many of the passengers were older Americans who intended to visit Egypt as tourists. Included in the passenger codefine manifest were over 30 Egyptian military officers; between those two brigadier-general, Colonel, a Major, and four other air force officers. After the accident, a newspaper in Cairo prevented by censorship from reporting the presence of officers on the flight.
ATC Flight tracking profile EA990 U.S. Air Traffic codefine Controllers provided transatlantic o

Sunday, December 22, 2013

2011 (3) September (2) August (1) 2010 (28) November (1) October (2) July (20) Transportation Termi

On 23 November 1996 Ethiopian f 22 fighter jet Airlines plane with flight f 22 fighter jet number 961 on the way from Addis Ababa to Nairobi (s: Bombay - Addis Ababa - Nairobi - Brazzaville - Lagos - Abidjan) was hijacked by three Ethiopian nationals. The three hijackers f 22 fighter jet wanted to seek asylum in Australia. When above the waters of Kenya, they entered the cockpit f 22 fighter jet of the Boeing 767 type aircraft and forcing the pilot to turn the plane heading towards the Australian continent. They assume the condition of the aircraft full of fuel to fly to Australia. The pilot of the ill-fated plane was already warned that only the best can survive (with no fuel) is about one quarter of the total distance of the trip, if you want to go to Australia. The hijackers did not believe the hijackers. Pilot direct the plane toward the Comoro Island (to make an emergency landing and refueling) located between Madagascar and the African mainland. Naas, has not arrived at the Comoro Island, plane runs out of fuel and causing the death of all aircraft engines. Crew has actually tried to do a ram air turbine, but some aircraft aerodynamic system can not function. f 22 fighter jet The plane then make a water landing (ditching) in the north of the Grand Comoro f 22 fighter jet Island at speeds over 320 km / hour. Captain f 22 fighter jet pilot, Leud, trying to land the plane at a position that is parallel to the wave of landings go smoothly. But unfortunately one of the best parts hit rocks that cause the plane bounced to the left and causing the ill-fated aircraft was destroyed. These events led to 125 passengers and crew (including the hijackers) were killed and 50 others survived. It is tragic and heartbreaking!!!
2011 (3) September (2) August (1) 2010 (28) November (1) October (2) July (20) Transportation Terminal Osowilangun f 22 fighter jet quotes Surabaya (fate now) Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 tragedy Okeanos Explorer Toll enter the building at OSAKA SINGAPORE MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) Street Road in Capetown open bus ride yuk .... F1 safety car in the Silk Road (Silk Road) O-BAHN (Adelaide) f 22 fighter jet -----> BUS FOR THE ABOVE REL ... Panama Canal LONGEST TRUCK VARIOUS KINDS BECAK .... Football player's car .... KAI TAK. (Hong Kong) in Tenerife Disaster memories .... Worst Plane Crash Helmet ... BAYERN MUNICH OFFICIAL BUS RAPID TRANSIT LIGHT (LRT) BUS RAPID TRANSIT (BRT) June (5)

The helicopter is an aircraft that is lifted and pushed by one or more rotors (propeller) large hor

Airbus A300 aircraft is close to medium range, wide-body aircraft produced by Airbus, rafale fighter jet a company established by a consortium of British, French, and German from 1972 to 2006.
A brief history of the A300 is a twin-engine wide-body aircraft in the world. He inspired such as the Boeing 767 and Boeing 777 and make way for ETOPS flight. This aircraft flew for the French airline, rafale fighter jet Air France. This innovation marks the beginning of the success of Airbus as a world-class aircraft manufacturer. Knowing the success of the A300, Boeing launched the Boeing 767, which was also successful in the market. In the early days of production, Airbus A300 difficult to sell, but, over time, this aircraft became popular and purchased many airlines are world class, particularly in Europe and Asia. Airlines in Asia (and some European) generally utilize A300 for domestic flights with high density or medium haul international flights. Airbus Partners Technology uses the latest technology, some taken from the Concorde. Before entering the ministry, in 1974, the A300 is a modern subsonic aircraft design and influential. Also pioneered the Airbus A300 cockpit flight 2 (two-man crew cockpit), which consists of only the pilot and co-pilot, eliminating the role of flight engineer. Airbus A300 wide-body aircraft is the first to use this technology. Variant A300B1 (only 2 were made, one of which is the prototype) A300B2 (the first production version, launched in 1974, Operator: Air France, South African Airways, Iran Air, etc.) A300B4 (Most widely produced, launched in 1975, Operator: Garuda Indonesia, Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa, Pakistan International Airlines, and others. A300-600 (Using the rear body and tail of the Airbus rafale fighter jet A310, Operator: Saudi Arabian rafale fighter jet Airlines, American Airlines, Korean Air, Japan Airlines, Singapore Airlines , Thai Airways International, China Airlines, rafale fighter jet Garuda Indonesia and others) A300B10 rafale fighter jet (short version of the A300, A310 then becomes) rafale fighter jet
The helicopter is an aircraft that is lifted and pushed by one or more rotors (propeller) large horizontal. Diklasif helicopter ...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

In the cockpit of work residents of Pleasanton, California, there are a variety of knick knacks lik

Many fans of the world we find that distribute aviation hobby to play flight simulator (flight simulation). But the air traffic control officer James Price, a flight simulator is not regular enough, eventually he built his own simulatornya flight that will make us all jealous.
James Price spent 20 years of his life time to create a flight simulator cockpit original form is also made from parts of the original aircraft. Cockpit of a Boeing 737 with muzzle it cost about $ 150,000 (U.S. $ 1.37 billion in).
In the cockpit of work residents of Pleasanton, California, there are a variety of knick knacks like a real plane, we can find a variety of aircraft, dual controls, flexiserver dozens of varied lights and buttons, pilot seats, and 3 large flat screen monitors for displaying the generated virtual flexiserver scenery by the flight flexiserver simulator software. To be more clear, let's look at the video below:
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Friday, December 20, 2013

2013 (2728) Dec 2013 (333) Nov 2013 (500) Oct 2013 (520) This is How Cats Say Seneng, hungry or Wan

Quote: UPDATE # 3 agan agan surely many who dream to be a pilot or an astronaut when finished kindergarten and when asked the same kindergarten teacher. ane well now post photos awesome photos of the world s ya, cekidot. 1. An F-16 Fighting Falcon refuels from a KC-10 Extender Quote: This is a photograph of combat aircraft being falcon fuel content in the KC-10 Extender aircraft. new ane know if you can fill the air above the fuel Spoiler for photo: kyotoavtalet 2.Two Soviet MiG-29 aircraft kyotoavtalet en route to an air show are intercepted by F-15 Eagle aircraft. Quote: This is a photograph of two Soviet MiG-29 aircraft conducting aerial kyotoavtalet acrobatics and intercepted by fighter eagle Spoiler for photo: American P-51D 3.North Mustang Quote: this is classic american us a plane, mantep very ancient plane Spoiler for photos: 4. U.S. Navy F-14D Tomcat Refueling Quote: This is the best photo of U.S. Navy F-14D Tomcat that the contents of fuel above the height of 50 thousand feet. Spoiler for picture: 5. Boeing 767 Flightdeck, the which sit at an altitude of around kyotoavtalet 50 mi up (mesosphere). Quote: This is a photo of the cockpit of Boeing kyotoavtalet 767 aircraft kyotoavtalet at an altitude of 50 miles above the ground, almost kyotoavtalet deket space gan Spoiler for picture: 6. Cockpit of Airbus A320-211 kyotoavtalet Quote: This photo airbus A320-211 cockpit gan, gile button loads Spoiler for picture: 7. C-17 Globemaster III relesed a flare Quote: This photograph while the C-17 Globemaster III flare again ngeluarin kyotoavtalet gan in atlantic ocean, kyotoavtalet really kyotoavtalet artistic Spoiler for photos: kyotoavtalet 8. Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) returns to the Kennedy Space Center Quote: This photo starship who want to return to earth to do the repair kyotoavtalet for 10 months, it can be stuck ko eh? yes weve already advanced technology Spoiler for photos: 9. Departing Boeing 757-23A Quote: he wants to photograph aircraft landing at the airport 4 minutes after sunrise. really beautiful gan Spoiler for photo: 10. Shot of a EK / Atlas Air 747, being â œchasedâ by EK B777-200 Quote: This photo chase aircraft were again chased gan, his picture was taken from the cockpit of the aircraft being subordinated Spoiler for photo: 11. A F-16C refuels from a KC-135 Stratotanker, as another F-16 stands by during Operation Desert Storm Quote: This photograph is another fighter also gan fuel content in outer space, in a military operation desert storm Spoiler for photo: Quote : How gan? cool cool right picture? so want to be a pilot again ane. Update kyotoavtalet post # 3 http://wonderfulengineering.com/amaz...on-world/ If Helpful please or quote: Comments Kaskuser Quote: Original Posted By charters kyotoavtalet are â-º The fuel charge the F -16 in the air can emang gan , usually for long-distance missions, so for example from America to Afghanistan or other countries very far away, then he ngsi fuel in udahara gan, or can sometimes fuel contents in the ocean, the same shuttle nasa protective owned it, save costs for making rocket gan, if you make a rocket is expensive so the make Airbus nganter to create the atmosphere of the most distant from the earth or the closest kyotoavtalet to the space created in the same lanjitu fly shuttles gan fro Quote: Original Posted By sicapuk â-º pic no 8 ingetin ane gan ma superman films, .. Quote: Original Posted By fahamdp â-º Banyakan pswat button kyotoavtalet ancient gan, udah bnyak all water meter indicator, kyotoavtalet .. pilot2 times weve PD2 most jago2 gan Quote: Original Posted By V80 â-º If that no.8, I was Setau indirect space shuttle landed on a jumbo jet, gan. That's the story of the space shuttle after landing on Earth will dioverhaul the place far away from its landing spot, so it must be delivered to the destination. The trick, yes dinaikin to jumbo jets. Try seen the shuttle exhaust parts are closed to reduce air resistance. kyotoavtalet CMIIW: Quote: Original Posted By Wno.Budiningrat â-º Refueling in the air long gan. Air Force also had really. His picture ya, 2 Sukhoi from Hasanuddin air base "to drink" of KC-130B Hercules Air Force Source: http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/5246e55b05346a8a4c000001
Quote: Minions are creatures Gru (Steve Carell) in the film DESPICABLE ME. Adorable figure with a funny voice mem ...
2013 (2728) Dec 2013 (333) Nov 2013 (500) Oct 2013 (520) This is How Cats Say Seneng, hungry or Want to D. .. Costumed Halloween horror Surfing Contest Tips Agan who Wants to Make Driving Rain Amid Duh, During Indonesia's Communications in the U.S. Tapping & ... Need Ga Minder If Agan feel Introvert Wow, Apparently There nyicil Workers Brave Kawasak ... 10 Most Creepy Moments Video Games Throughout M. .. We Can Run As Fast as Lightning ... Broadcast TV We Are Switching Function Gan 12 How to Make a Paper Airplane Original Human Character One Piece Apparently There Ever Gan Gan Tau Karapan Rabbit? Other professions Can Do Besides Naruto to become ... How Bia

Follow up on issues raised in the Baten, the Interior Ministry will soon be sending teams to Bantam

Sydney - Boeing 747-400 aircraft belonging to the airline Qantas today forced an emergency landing in Sydney, Australia after having problems with the aircraft's electrical system. According to passengers, had appeared the smoke in the cockpit. Plane with flight number QF17 that departed from Sydney Airport on time at 11:11. The plane carrying 199 passengers and 21 crew were aiming to Buenos Aires, Argentina. However, when only about an hour on the air, the plane was having problems so the pilot decided to return to Sydney. Qantas spokesman confirmed that an electrical problem had caused the smoke. One of the passengers, Teague Czislowski, recounts the drama in the air. "No lights, no entertainment, only the emergency dirgantara air service panels that light up," said the man who worked as a lawyer in Sydney, as reported dirgantara air service by the Sydney Morning Herald, Monday (15/11/2010). It is said Czislowski, indeed plane landed safely in Sydney. But once landed, the unit has been waiting for the fire department. That's when the passengers realized that something big had happened. The passengers were grateful that the landing went smoothly. Czislowski trigger, Qantas's latest embarrassing incident. According to her, many passengers are wondering if the aircraft maintenance crew give their full attention to the problems of Airbus A380 that this incident occurred. Czislowski is said, because of this incident, many passengers who no longer wish to use the Qantas dirgantara air service flight. "But whatever it is, this is ridiculous.'s Totally unacceptable and a lot of people who say they will stop flying with Qantas," said Czislowski. Qantas suffered security problems after the incident the A380 superjumbo engine explosion while crossing Batam on November 4. As a result of the incident, Qantas decided to stop his flight across the A380 to complete the investigation.
Follow up on issues raised in the Baten, the Interior Ministry will soon be sending teams to Bantam. Check out the full coverage in Reporting night at 1:38 pm, only on Trans TV (ita / nrl)
There Electrical Problems, Qantas plane makes emergency landing in Sydney Undisturbed issue machine, dirgantara air service Qantas Message Again 2 Call of Qantas A380 Engine Problem Small Problem Boeing 767 Boeing 767 Owned Natural Qantas Engine Problem
Comments dirgantara air service (0 Comments)
Latest News News Index Friday, 20/12/2013 20:52 pm Adit accused of persecution, Aunt: He is Torturing Kok Salahin Else? Friday, 20/12/2013 20:42 pm It Estella Queen ATUT in detention Friday, 20/12/2013 20:39 pm The capacity dirgantara air service of Soekarno-Hatta Only Able to Absorb 64 aircraft per hour for Friday, 20/12/2013 20:32 pm sent to detention, ATUT Maghrib Salat and Dhikr Friday, 20/12/2013 20:29 pm Also Stepmom Had Torture Andre, brother Adit Bladder
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

2013 (3) May 2013 (1) June 2013 (2) 2012 (22) Des 2012 (2) November 2012 (6) October 2012 (10) 7 Wo

Airbus A380-800 (Europe) Boeing 737-200 (United States) Boeing 737-500 (United States) Fokker 100 (Germany) Boeing 747-300 (United States) Cessna 208B Grand Caravan (United States) Airbus A310 (Europe) Boeing 767-300ER (United States) Fokker polnohospodarska technika F28-1000 (Germany) polnohospodarska technika N250 (Indonesia) Boeing 737-900ER (United States) Fokker F27-100 (Germany)
2013 (3) May 2013 (1) June 2013 (2) 2012 (22) Des 2012 (2) November 2012 (6) October 2012 (10) 7 World's Most Dangerous Airports Airlines Flight Cockpit Aircraft Photos Indonesia Photos Indonesia Photos Cab Flight Old Livery Indonesian Aviation polnohospodarska technika Airports In Java What Not Famous Airport - an airport in Indonesia Indonesia Flight Photographs Fleet Flight Indonesia is well out of Dar ... Fleet Aircraft Flight polnohospodarska technika Indonesia Jun 2012 (Last 4)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

PORN TOP 10 of the world

World s always had an interesting spot to be photographed. Here's a collection of photos astrium space transportation of the aviation world AMAZING!! 1. An F-16 Fighting Falcon refuels This is a photograph of combat aircraft being falcon fuel content in the KC-10 Extender aircraft. 2.Two Soviet MiG-29 aircraft en route to an air show are intercepted by F-15 Eagle aircraft. This is a photograph of two Soviet MiG-29 aircraft conducting astrium space transportation aerial acrobatics and intercepted by American fighter eagle 3.North P-51D Mustang is a classic astrium space transportation American us a plane, mantep very ancient plane 4. U.S. Navy F-14D Tomcat aircraft Refueling is a photo of U.S. Navy F-14D Tomcat astrium space transportation that the contents of fuel above the height of 50 thousand feet. 5. Boeing 767 Flightdeck, the which sit at an altitude of around 50 mi up (mesosphere). This is a photo of the cockpit of Boeing 767 aircraft at an altitude of 50 miles above the ground, almost deket space gan 6. The cockpit of the Airbus A320-211 Airbus A320 cockpit photo-211 gan, gile button loads 7. C-17 Globemaster III relesed this picture a flare while the C-17 Globemaster III flare again ngeluarin gan in atlantic ocean, really artistic astrium space transportation 8. Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) returns to the Kennedy Space Center this photo starship astrium space transportation who want to return to headquarters to outer space gan after doing repairs on the earth for 10 months, it can be stuck ko eh? yes weve already advanced technology 9. Departing Boeing 757-23A aircraft he wants to photograph landing at the airport 4 minutes after sunrise. gan 10 really beautiful. Shot of a EK / Atlas Air 747, being chased by EK B777-200 aircraft again this photo gan chase chase, photograph taken from the cockpit astrium space transportation of the plane that is below 11. A F-16C fighter aircraft refuels this photo which again also gan fuel content in outer space, in a military operation desert storm
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

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