Monday, January 12, 2015

Some big plans in Colombia are close to people because of protests, can not be implemented as sched

Colombia in recent years, environmental law enforcement loose, but the government in January for the pollution problems, prohibits US ports Drummond Company (Drummond) and operated, outward export coal. The move shocked the country's mining industry, the embargo will not only allow Drummond losses, Columbia Ministry of Finance also lost the company the right to pay a monthly tax payments, a total of $ 66 million.
Mines Minister Amilcar Akusita (Amylkar Acosta) this week promised Drummond Company if refurbished port facilities, no pollution near the beach, the government space travel history will lift the ban before the end. Last year, environmental activists took a group photo, in order to stop the sinking barge came to light in Shengtamata Bay (Bay of Santa Marta) dropped more than five hundred tons of coal (pictured), this group of photos to let the Colombian government to force to pressure to take action. Six employees were indicted last month, the port may have to the prison sentence, Drummond company was fined $ 3.6 million, and will be responsible for the aftermath.
A reversal of past attitudes inviting foreign mining companies, this incident is obvious the government turned space travel history to face the people's anger, deal with the distribution of wealth in mining and mining pollution problems caused by uneven. Colombian mining expert Alvaro space travel history Peng Xi (Alvaro Ponce), said Manu Ye incumbent President Juan Santos (Juan Manuel Santos) will seek re-election in the May elections, the people in this hostile atmosphere generated by the incident, He can not sit idly by.
Some big plans in Colombia are close to people because of protests, can not be implemented as scheduled, such as Anglo Gold Company (AngelaGold Ashanti) space travel history is expected in Tolima (Tolima Province) gold mining plans, as well as Eco Oro The company intends to Santander (Santander Province) gold and silver ore mining plan. Colombian national audit a study published in January, found that large mining town near the site, and its social and economic development, as near to the production of illicit cultivation of coca leaves cocaine towns.
Environment Ministry is seeking more powers to require mining and refining industries are required to have a license, mining companies are complaining, they said just let the plan through enough space travel history torture people, and with the recent prices of certain minerals, $ 7.3 billion investment plan therefore Hanka. space travel history Akusita mining minister responded by saying that they have no choice, in addition to the official license, but also to convince the locals to give "social license" to start, he said, "If the two can not be both, you can not plan to release."
Opposition mining industry in the past few years, non-stop warming. After 2005, the international raw material prices rose, with the Colombian civil war easing, release government incentives to attract foreign companies to invest and create jobs in mining and exploration licenses issued to large areas of these companies, including hitherto barred from entering the Pa Rameau tundra (páramo tundra) * Note 1, it ranks among the Andes, the ecosystem is extremely fragile. Risk assessment company Maplecroft James Lockhart Smith (James Lockhart Smith) said that "the flood gates were opened."
Although flutter stumble along the way Britain prostrate, Colombia has gradually embarked on the development of mineral resources in the road. 2013 mining investment amounting to 3.6 billion space travel history dollars, compared with 2012 growth of 21 percent. space travel history Mining accounts for 2.3% GDP, accounting for seven percent of export, space travel history foreign companies are still lined up, waiting space travel history for exploration of new mineral deposits. Looking at the mineral-rich emerging economies, Colombian business was regarded as a kind of mold, long-term down, they should be able to identify not only the people but also to attract investment without losing the licensing policy. Learn more affluent countries, Colombia can not mining, but can not count the cost of mining. Annotation 1: Paramo tundra (páramo tundra): located in 3350 meters (11,000 feet) in the Andes region, like a desert climate, but the surface of the tundra has stored a lot of water, more than enough to supply Colombia's largest three cities (Bogota, Mandellin and Cali) all the water to feed 20 million people in Colombia. In recent years, because of cattle grazing, global warming caused by insects move to a higher altitude, Paramo tundra ecology at stake, plus the former Colombian government agreed to foreign investment in the mineral exploration, Paramo ecology gradually destroyed, the people made to the incumbent president petition required to draw the boundaries of protected areas Paramo, to avoid more damage.
I was able to get this Chinese translation, but also that I would turn a reasonable follow, if it is the result of google translate, I do not adopt, and instead think about it before I see the translation of books on how to turn these names, the book can also be at hand help on some busy. But this I have not dug Eco Oro and Maplecroft two companies can not find Chinese name, so do not want to just take the help of a company name. But sometimes I do not see a lot of books full turn, which I do not know the translation industry convention is actually originally had set the way for foreign companies named, but has been lost. Alternatively, only the translation of the only religion. I will look for. Delete
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