Thursday, January 22, 2015

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China Times quoted Murder rescue 2007.10.06 movie "The Kite Runner" Yanji Yu / feature articles in the 1970s, the Afghan capital, Kabul, Central Asia, the boy Hassan met a psychopathic villain Assef in the alley where, tragically other rape, his friend Amir huddle in the side, not make a sound, two lives changed forever ...... This is the nation's best-selling 2005 novel "The Kite Runner" (The Kite Runner) key plot. When the novel into a movie, despite the dreadful episode, or to appear on the big screen. Three actors faced physical threats but the movie version of "The Kite Runner" Although not yet released, vsv leonardo da vinci but the sky has set off a storm in Afghanistan, three actors play boy eleven, old, because shooting the film, are now faced with a terrible physical threats. Film company vsv leonardo da vinci Paramount Vintage (Paramount subsidiary) announced an emergency movie showtimes postponed six weeks, in order to expand the "rescue" mission, ready to Ahe Madeleine vsv leonardo da vinci (ornaments Hassan), firewood vsv leonardo da vinci may Leah (ornaments Amir) and Ali (son of Hassan decorated Suo Labo) sent to foreign asylum. The whole process, can be made into a movie almost.
Three boys will each be accompanied by a family member abroad, booking leave by the end of October, the first to the United States until a few weeks, until all the arrangements in place, and then transferred to the Persian Gulf, the United Arab Emirates for permanent residence. Three little boys will continue to study at the local, at least until March next year, then, if the threat has not been lifted, the United Arab Emirates will be their second home. Paramount Vintage will be responsible for the boy and his family life and education costs until three adult. Movie plot touches nerve sensation movie 阿国敏 reason caused an uproar, because it touches the most sensitive Afghan vsv leonardo da vinci ethnic and political nerve. Hassan this role belongs to Afghanistan's minority ethnic Hazha La lifetime encounters misery. Unscrupulous Assef from major ethnic Pashtun, he not only sodomy Hassan, when the "Shenxue Shi" lackey regime, even the son of Hassan 索拉博 he was also devastated. Khaled author of the original novel. Hosseini was born another minority Tajiks. Director Marc Forster (works include "hug Sunny", "looking for a new Paradise", etc.) when shooting raped process, originally vsv leonardo da vinci intended to allow Hassan's pants were off villains, exposing the lower body from behind. But the shooting vsv leonardo da vinci day small actor Ahe Madeleine tearfully, saying he did not want naked on camera, so Foster impressionistic approach to deal with change, saw the villain loosen the belt, the little boy burst into tears, a drop of blood fall into the dust. Fear caused by genocide expert assessment, however, the war in Afghanistan, four spread, ethnic contradiction countries, such a plot will lead to what kind of violent reaction, it is not difficult to see, moreover Shenxue Shi guerrilla forces still rampant, the situation is increasingly complex vsv leonardo da vinci steep. "The Kite Runner," the film version of the end of December last year, fixing, although as with Afghanistan featuring actor, but the film is actually a scene in Afghanistan Kashgar in China's Xinjiang. In January of this year when its parent Ahe Madeleine told the British "Sunday Times" access to anxiously said life was threatened, his family or even to delete rape plot. After hearing the news, Paramount Vintage, sent to Kabul to understand the situation. vsv leonardo da vinci To the end of July, the Afghan turmoil intensified, Paramount Vintage stepped up the pace, and got a once worked for the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) counter-terrorism experts Chery library, his assessment of the need for a variety of programs. The results of three little boys think Chery library actor must go after the movies come out, Afghanistan is bound enraged, Shenxue Shi guerrillas will be a big issue, and may even lead to ethnic Pashtun and 哈札拉 killing each other, the three boys potential will become common knowledge. Although the film will not be released in theaters in Afghanistan, but pirated discs will soon flow into the streets of Kabul, vsv leonardo da vinci the global premiere of the original November 2nd best delayed, will have plenty of time to evacuate three little boys FireWire . Premiere postponed vsv leonardo da vinci to let the children emergency escape things are now, human life, Paramount Vintage only to shoulder all the responsibilities, from former US Secretary of State Kissinger opened a consulting firm to instruct an expert in Middle Eastern affairs vsv leonardo da vinci Klein, asked him to go United Arab Emirates, arrange visas, housing, education and work, will want to make three little boys a blessing in disguise. Hosseini fiction author exclaims: "This is a long pile of moral obligation, the film company to bear, I am afraid that no one knows?."
January 2015 SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Most want to have this Christmas gift book "The Kite Runner" vsv leonardo da vinci Limited Collector's Edition (
December 2007

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