Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New U.S. patent to increase security on the Internet Chang

AREA NEWS: - Another nice example of multimedia made in NASA - good PR, I've already said - is a new initiative by the European Space American dyncorp pay scale to publish on the Internet "The Sounds of NASA."
And 'possible dyncorp pay scale to download the roar of the Space Shuttle launch. Who would not want to hear "One small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind" on your phone? Maybe the first beep of Sputnik dyncorp pay scale may tell us that you have received a text message.
The audio files are available in MP3 and M4R (iPhone). Here are just some Sputnik - Beep http://www.nasa.gov/mp3/578626main_sputnik-beep.mp3 JFK - We choose dyncorp pay scale the Moon with Apollo 11, Apollo 11 Launch http://www.nasa.gov/mp3/590325main_ringtone_kennedy_WeChoose.mp3 - We have lift off http://www.nasa.gov/mp3/590320main_ringtone_apollo11_countdown.mp3 Apollo 11 - Eagle has landed http://www.nasa.gov/mp3/569462main_eagle_has_landed.mp3 Apollo 13 - Houston, We've had a problem http://www.nasa.gov/mp3/574928main_houston_problem.mp3 Space Shuttle STS-131 - Launch http://www.nasa.gov/mp3/590189main_ringtone_131_launchNats.mp3 Sound of Space Shuttle STS-132 - Shuttle Gear Drop http://www.nasa.gov/mp3/590327main_ringtone_landingGearDrop.mp3 LCROSS - Water on the Moon http://www.nasa.gov/mp3/583775main_lcross_marmie_water_moon.mp3 dyncorp pay scale Cassini - Enceladus sound http://www.nasa.gov/ mp3/584796main_enceladus.mp3 Cassini - Saturn Radio Emissions # 1 http://www.nasa.gov/mp3/584791main_spookysaturn.mp3
Hello, someone can tell me what are the luminous bodies that you see on the 7th minute of the spectacular NASA video of which I paste the link? http://youtu.be/T32R7rsyAjE I do not think they are stars because they move too fast. They are artificial satellites, meteors? UFO ....? Apart from anything else, it's a great video, we see how the sky becomes dark during the climb. But I am curious about those lights, moving at an incredible speed! Thank you! Henry Delete Reply
Anyone is free to comment and share their thoughts. The only condition is to want to contribute to the discussion with a respectful approach towards all. Avoid going off-topic and no advertising.
New U.S. patent to increase security on the Internet Chang'e-3, dyncorp pay scale China is on the Moon Cygnus, the 2nd commercial space capsule to the ISS Mars to support life in its past! Neil Godspeed! CURIOSITY is on Mars! Dragon, the 1st space mission on the ISS The first commercial spaceport Russian dyncorp pay scale Soyuz European Universe accelerates, Nobel Prize 2011 rocket of the future made in a NASA rocket nuclear fusion? Falcon Heavy, big and Low Cost The first human colony on Mars, Private? Dragon, the first commercial space capsule The first probes land on the Moon The Science in the ISS 2000-2008 The pictures of the landing sites for Apollo Spectacular video-tour of the ISS Streaming dyncorp pay scale live video from the ISS Phoenix, Mars and liquid water L 'ASI and its Web Stargate Mars and methane Phoenix, Mars and perchlorate International Collaboration Robots Space ISS ISS, let's talk about money
The pressurized module connection "Node 2" during dyncorp pay scale the assembly of the ISS (NASA TV)
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