Monday, April 14, 2014

Ah yes, the categories you

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Today was scheduled to review a book, among other ugly (one of my few negative reviews), but there are some things that have turned my mood like a glove. To this day Plutonia Experiment declares bloglutto national and other public if these few lines. The detonator of my bad temper explodes from this article by Angelo Cavallaro Sommobuta. Or rather, from the responses it has received about. Since some of them. I am sure that you will distinguish yourself. In short, the post consists of a question: What about you? Powered? (One euro per month, in particular, to support the blog by Angelo). The majority of responses nasa meatball was NO. With a number of reasons ranging dall'opinabile, but still sensible to crap themselves. Not much else to say, just a few lines, if you like, otherwise nasa meatball forget it and you re-read tomorrow.
Blogging in Italy is not considered a job, neither the present nor the future. Blogging is a waste of time "then what the fuck do you want?". Blogging as claimed two days ago Evolutionary Strategies means that you are a geek maxicategoria fancazzisti. A little 'how to say "Albanians", "plumbers", "the inhabitants of Salsomaggiore", "players". Without distinction, without identity. Blogging nasa meatball means, at the same time and paradoxically, does not belong to any bulletin board, caste or Masonic lodge; so it means not count shit. See in this regard this specific nasa meatball comment. Blogging is not worth money, not even one euro a month, because "the blogger in the end we just puts his time." Then tell me what more valuable if we have not the time, but Okay.
I do not add reflections, nasa meatball replicas arguments. I will not respond to the usual considerations Luddite and bannerò offensive comments without notice. Just one question: nasa meatball I have not yet found someone explain to me why a singer, a soccer player, an actor, a DJ deserve (and rightly so) and pay a blogger - that is a kind of writer and journalist NOT - not worth a shit. The above mentioned categories do not we bring them too "only time"? There is a meritocracy that comes from experience, which distinguishes bloggers nasa meatball exactly as any other job category. No, all bloggers are wasters of shit discussing post crap and which are obviously written sprawled in a porn video and another. But no, of course, in the end the majority is always right: the views need to be free, 'fuck you want, subscribe registration, go to work bum, go do the cobbler, the factories are empty, family-oriented, there are the most important problems, unemployment, the crisis, the right to vote of macaques, Lady Gaga, derby, cazzodibudda and cha-cha-cha. In Italy.
Related articles for Alexander Girola Posted on quantum accelerator, reflections Tag fuck off go away, blogging, get paid, Italians good people, the dignity of a blogger
Ah yes, the categories you're talking about, worth pennies, the blogger not. The reason I did not understand it myself so far, and I think even those funny guys. It always comes back to the speech: "What do you do in your spare time? Ah, read and write, "followed by a pitying look. Then go to the newsstand to buy magazines and gossip ...
And if he does it well deserves to take them. From time immemorial the professions that amuse and entertain are paid. Now some itaGliani seem to have discovered that it is worth only work in a factory. Yes, but in words.
He deserves them yes, because it is done to recognize nasa meatball the environment, and after the standard work, takes more time for a task. So, why this is not true, at least socially, for what we do? (In addition to factory work, are also well recognized chores at home, remember?:-D)
They were not only nonsense, but they were also convinced that they were logical explanations. -. If I buy a magazine that reviews games, nasa meatball I pay for opinions. If you had a blog that does the same, why should I not speak? A a month later! You do not want to pay, do you think that the things that one does not have to be paid for passion or you want to free. Do you know where you need to go? ...
I think we face confusion among bloggers who merely of themselves, of their own personal life, without offering interesting content for more (so it's hard to think, for these, to have a remuneration) and other bloggers, very different, which dealing with c

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