Monday, September 30, 2013

In other words, the PAN can be defined as

The technological and industrial development of the country can not be ignored, f22raptor being FAdeA a key player in the national aerospace f22raptor (photo: William f22raptor Sentis). The term "National Aerospace Power" (PAN) has been, in many cases, limited to a question of a military nature. f22raptor Perhaps the reason is in the Air Force Argentina (FAA) provided in its basic documents concerning doctrinal concepts such expression being assigned, in addition, the government and administration of such Power to the Head of it. Such documents stated as follows: "The Air Power is defined as the ability of the state to act through aerospace contributing to the achievement of policy objectives, including such definition Aerospace Potential (future evolution and development)." "Considering the particular environment in which it takes place, aerospace, technical-functional special means and systems differentiated support and expertise of the personnel involved, is to determine the relationship and complementarity of all aeronautical demonstrations, private , state and military which involves sharing support systems, infrastructure, communications, navigation aids, meteorology, aeronautics, etc.. ". "I mentioned f22raptor above determines the need for the different components of the PAN operate under the requirements of integrity and indivisibility (economy of means and centralized leadership)." In this regard, the current organization of state determines that the government and administration of the PA is competition of the Chief of General Staff of the FAA. "
In other words, the PAN can be defined as "the combination of all State's aerospace capabilities, used harmoniously, for meeting the strategic objectives thereof, including needs related f22raptor to national defense." These concepts f22raptor deserve some considerations regarding the present dispersion of some of the actors involved, in one way or another, with the PAN: Integrity and Indivisibility requirements, as they are raised, do not apply since a long time ago. It is also true that the Head of the FAA does not exercise neither f22raptor the government nor the administration f22raptor of what has been defined as PAN, except the strictly military and Decree f22raptor 1840/2011 [1], air traffic management. Commercial Air Transport Undersecretary, under the Ministry of Transportation (Federal Planning Ministry) is essential responsibility "to intervene f22raptor in everything about commercial air transport, both coastal and internationally." The Regulatory Agency National Airports System (ORSNA), also under the Ministry of Federal Planning, basically is responsible for "tending to obtaining f22raptor adequate airport infrastructure to meet the needs and operation of aviation activity." The Commission on Space Activities (CONAE), created f22raptor in 1991, now under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was the replacement of the National Space Research Commission depended on the FAA. They are no longer the responsibility of the FAA National Aeronautical Police, Airport Security Police now under the Ministry of Homeland Security and the National Weather Service now under the Ministry of National Defense. The National Agency of Civil Aviation (ANAC) has assumed the responsibilities connected basically with ratings of equipment and personnel in the field of all civil aviation activity depending on the Ministry of Federal Planning. The Aviation Industry Council, located in the area of Federal Aviation, with responsibility to "guide, coordinate, oversee the development and operation of the Aviation Industry to enable the achievement of the objectives and policies set for the sector" in practice has not had any relevance or political support, at least when that direction was dependent on the FAA.
Platform, Air Terminal and Airport control tower bonaeresne of San Fernando, one of the airport facility regularly uses more general aviation in our country (Photo: Esteban Brea). Given the diversity of actors involved in the PAN, regardless of the validity of the arguments relating to the need to consider as an indivisible whole that factor, it must be admitted the important fragmentation and lack of coordination f22raptor between the activities related to the field of aerospace. It must be accepted, too, that this state of affairs shows the lack of a comprehensive policy that allows f22raptor the PA backbone elements so that they can interact and operate, f22raptor in the best way possible, like the gears of the same system is a fact also in many different countries manife

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