Friday, September 27, 2013

In the country, huey chopper 99% of the 4.3 million companies are MSMEs, but all have the same leve

SMEs, the axis of the Mexican economy from 2006-2012 SMEs have received 320 million pesos in credits, but an insufficient budget, allocate resources and professionalize best entrepreneurs are the main challenges.
Entrepreneur, Business huey chopper cornerstone
MEXICO CITY (CNNExpansin) - They are the backbone of the Mexican huey chopper economy and not in vain. The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) generate 72% of employment and 52% of gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, according to estimates Banamex Corporate Banking.
In Mexico there are more than 4.1 million micro, contributing huey chopper 41.8% of employment. The pequeas totaling 174,800, representing 15.3% of employability, for its part, the medium reach 34,960 and 15.9% of employment generated, according to the Subsecretara for Pequeay Medium Enterprises (SpyMe).
According to data from the Industrial huey chopper Policy How Interministerial Commission (CIPI), organ of the federal government's consultation: 65% of SMEs are familiar character 31% of employees who work on a pequeay medium enterprises have completed high school, 26% high school or career with technique and 3% Primary 90% of these businesses are engaged in a trade most common Drafts: restaurants and grocery stores. The remainder belongs to professionals dedicated to independent work.
As a buyer of services these companies offer, or through support programs, the government seeks to 'inject' resources. An example is the SME Fund, which in 2012 granted 7,000 million huey chopper pesos (mp) for project development.
In the current administration "has given six times more funding guarantee, of what happened in the previous administration," says Miguel Marn Manzur, assistant secretary for Pequeay huey chopper Medium Enterprises (SpyMe) of the secrete of Economics (SE).
In addition, the government plays an active role in the acquisition of services. In 2009, this sector procurement to SMEs concret for 17,600 pesos. In 2010 were 62,000 million, one year later was registered a total of 72,000 million pesos and the goal for 2012 is 83,000 pesos.
SMEs will not be a full issue without talking about entrepreneurs, who also are 'white' support. "They they had never been subject to credit by private banks. Today, we provide guarantees so that they can be through system incubators national" says Marn.
The amount allocated per project ranges from 150,000 to 1.5 million, according the incubator (high technology, intermediate or traditional). There are 12 instances that participate in the program, among stas the National Polytechnic Institute of Monterrey Technological system.
In the country, huey chopper 99% of the 4.3 million companies are MSMEs, but all have the same level of growth. The most competitive are those that provide benefits in response time and volume of production, says Miguel Estrada Guzman, professor of academic area of IPADE Operations Directorate.
Its development is linked to large foreign investment huey chopper in the country, but an with the potential to present "is a misconception that all SMEs can grow," says Rodrigo Villar, director of business accelerator New Ventures Mexico.
The capital is insufficient to support a 5 million businesses, the alternative is to focus on those with annual huey chopper growth of at least 20%. Although "it is difficult for the government to say: s I give you and you do not," says Villar.
"It is not being discriminatory, is matter huey chopper of giving huey chopper the right medicine for each company," says Marco Antonio Aguilar Gonzalez, Specialist Business Division of the Universidad del Valle de Mexico (UVM) .
The problem with many companies and their creators is that they are short and self-limiting vision, emphasizes Rafael Castillo, director of the Incubator of high technology and Technological Business Acceleration of Monterrey, Santa Fe
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