Monday, September 30, 2013

In other words, the PAN can be defined as

The technological and industrial development of the country can not be ignored, f22raptor being FAdeA a key player in the national aerospace f22raptor (photo: William f22raptor Sentis). The term "National Aerospace Power" (PAN) has been, in many cases, limited to a question of a military nature. f22raptor Perhaps the reason is in the Air Force Argentina (FAA) provided in its basic documents concerning doctrinal concepts such expression being assigned, in addition, the government and administration of such Power to the Head of it. Such documents stated as follows: "The Air Power is defined as the ability of the state to act through aerospace contributing to the achievement of policy objectives, including such definition Aerospace Potential (future evolution and development)." "Considering the particular environment in which it takes place, aerospace, technical-functional special means and systems differentiated support and expertise of the personnel involved, is to determine the relationship and complementarity of all aeronautical demonstrations, private , state and military which involves sharing support systems, infrastructure, communications, navigation aids, meteorology, aeronautics, etc.. ". "I mentioned f22raptor above determines the need for the different components of the PAN operate under the requirements of integrity and indivisibility (economy of means and centralized leadership)." In this regard, the current organization of state determines that the government and administration of the PA is competition of the Chief of General Staff of the FAA. "
In other words, the PAN can be defined as "the combination of all State's aerospace capabilities, used harmoniously, for meeting the strategic objectives thereof, including needs related f22raptor to national defense." These concepts f22raptor deserve some considerations regarding the present dispersion of some of the actors involved, in one way or another, with the PAN: Integrity and Indivisibility requirements, as they are raised, do not apply since a long time ago. It is also true that the Head of the FAA does not exercise neither f22raptor the government nor the administration f22raptor of what has been defined as PAN, except the strictly military and Decree f22raptor 1840/2011 [1], air traffic management. Commercial Air Transport Undersecretary, under the Ministry of Transportation (Federal Planning Ministry) is essential responsibility "to intervene f22raptor in everything about commercial air transport, both coastal and internationally." The Regulatory Agency National Airports System (ORSNA), also under the Ministry of Federal Planning, basically is responsible for "tending to obtaining f22raptor adequate airport infrastructure to meet the needs and operation of aviation activity." The Commission on Space Activities (CONAE), created f22raptor in 1991, now under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was the replacement of the National Space Research Commission depended on the FAA. They are no longer the responsibility of the FAA National Aeronautical Police, Airport Security Police now under the Ministry of Homeland Security and the National Weather Service now under the Ministry of National Defense. The National Agency of Civil Aviation (ANAC) has assumed the responsibilities connected basically with ratings of equipment and personnel in the field of all civil aviation activity depending on the Ministry of Federal Planning. The Aviation Industry Council, located in the area of Federal Aviation, with responsibility to "guide, coordinate, oversee the development and operation of the Aviation Industry to enable the achievement of the objectives and policies set for the sector" in practice has not had any relevance or political support, at least when that direction was dependent on the FAA.
Platform, Air Terminal and Airport control tower bonaeresne of San Fernando, one of the airport facility regularly uses more general aviation in our country (Photo: Esteban Brea). Given the diversity of actors involved in the PAN, regardless of the validity of the arguments relating to the need to consider as an indivisible whole that factor, it must be admitted the important fragmentation and lack of coordination f22raptor between the activities related to the field of aerospace. It must be accepted, too, that this state of affairs shows the lack of a comprehensive policy that allows f22raptor the PA backbone elements so that they can interact and operate, f22raptor in the best way possible, like the gears of the same system is a fact also in many different countries manife

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Given current demands and requirements and global experience involved in aerospace manufacturing en

Given current demands and requirements and global experience involved in aerospace manufacturing engineering, industry is only expected to increase in the coming years. However, lockheed credit union georgia the economic upswing is also one of the important reasons for success. At the same time, the field of civil aviation is surprised lockheed credit union georgia by the increase in travel in our economy. At the same time, the military and defense industry is also paying close attention to their own needs and requirements. Overall, the global aerospace industry has exceeded the amount of about $ 100 million, due to strong competition and the need to obtain best results.
In this present scenario, many aerospace engineering companies are quickly realizing the various financial and operational benefits of outsourcing of aerospace engineering. The main advantage is slowing for the cost of operation. Other reasons allies are being able to leverage a global talent pool and network with other experts in aerospace engineering. At the same time, one can always be tuned into the latest trends and patterns of aerospace engineering.
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This represents a little more than one-third of all jobs generated by the industry in the country,

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The Farnborough International Exhibition is the world's attention arp 4761 from the 9 through July 15. In that city will concentrate 250 000 people for a week to the progress and trends in the aerospace world. Baja California could not be oblivious to it and a delegation of leading investment promotion agencies and authorities participating in the meeting in order to zoom in, learn about new developments, but especially to close deals with large firms and thus attract new businesses, investment and create more jobs in the state.
The aerospace industry in Mexico and particularly in Baja California has had explosive growth. In 2005 in all of Mexico had just 61 companies in this rotation and already arp 4761 operating close 2011 249. Something similar happens with employment: While the industry in 2006 generated just 10,000 jobs, now the number has risen to 31 000, mostly highly skilled technicians and engineers, ie positions of high financial arp 4761 reward. This has had an immediate reflection in generating foreign exchange, although in only six years, the period of greatest expansion of the sector, and exports tripled since 4000 reaching $ 337 million each year. This is also a trend that will not stop, because for the next five years the estimates of the Ministry of Economy are to be applied seven billion dollars more as new investments, money that will allow it to generate between 30 000 to 40 000 jobs. BC, the most chosen.
This favorable outlook for the sector, has particular arp 4761 impact in Baja California. Our organization is the leading investment destination aviation and aerospace sector, as indicated by the fact that we occupy the top spot as receiving entity companies in this industry, with 51 of the 249 operating throughout the country. But even more important arp 4761 than that is the fact that this sector generates employment and development for 12,000 people in the state.
This represents a little more than one-third of all jobs generated by the industry in the country, where there are 31 000 employees. This is more remarkable in the case of aerospace generated as seats are called third generation industry, ie no longer correspond to mostly arp 4761 or assembly processes simpler manufacturing, but involve design specialties, but especially engineering. This new era of industry in Baja California found conditions for their development. While it is true that some of the main strengths of this area in the country is based on the fact that the two leading North American logistics hubs include us because of our geographical location, or that we have a competitive advantage because we as development history technological and human resources of great experience in related industries such as automotive electronics arp 4761 and more recently, or have quality certifications from international standard, our strongest pillars are located in the area of the new economic reality the state. The final decision of the high-tech companies or Eaton Honeyweel or Boeing with its subsidiaries to settle in the state lies rather in the vocation for INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE AND DISPOSITION OF TALENT IN BAJA CALIFORNIA. The efforts made to exploit a global trend focused on driving innovation as a tool for transformation in our economic development model has begun to translate into juicy fruit harvest and aerospace and aeronautics, along with other sectors arp 4761 such as medical services, arp 4761 are one of its best examples.
Having achieved that within the Business Development Policy, which is the linchpin of the state's business strategy, including the recognition and have traducid

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Through this collaboration, pall filter LOYOLA Leadership School available to Helix Cluster compani

The Andalusian Aerospace Cluster Helix and LOYOLA Leadership School, Graduate School of Loyola Andalucía University have signed a cooperation agreement in order to encourage the training of managers and professionals in the Andalusian aerospace supplier industry. The ultimate goal of this agreement is to further enhance training and management skills of entrepreneurs, executives and professionals of the companies comprising the auxiliary tissue Andalusian aeronautical sector, mainly composed of SMEs and in 2012 reached a turnover of 736 million euros and employment size of 8,396 workers, after growing nearly 14% and 4% respectively in both ratios.
The agreement aims to create a collaborative relationship between the two entities, strengthen their relationships, join hands and establish performance standards aimed at developing activities of common interest in the area of corporate and executive training. The agreement was signed by the director of Helix Cluster, Manuel Cruz, while representing LOYOLA Leadership School has been Carlos Villarrubia, Outreach Manager of the institution.
Through this collaboration, pall filter LOYOLA Leadership School available to Helix Cluster companies all offer training pall filter programs that develop, offering preferential economic conditions for their businesses. Shall offer his help assisting in the selection of the most suitable to the training needs of the Andalusian aerospace companies. Meanwhile, Helix will disseminate and publicize the programs and activities of the Graduate School from the auxiliary industry in order to enhance the increase or improvement of managerial skills of professionals, and ultimately increase competitiveness. The agreement lasts for one year, renewable for equal periods by tacit agreement between the two entities.
According explicaManuel Cruz, director of Propeller Cluster, "it is to continue to provide tools to facilitate the training of managers and professionals of SMEs Andalusian aerospace industry, opening perspectives and offering specific education on various managerial and entrepreneurial skills ". For Carlos Villarrubia, Outreach Manager LOYOLA Leadership School, "through this agreement will enhance the competitiveness of the Andalusian business through high level training and also has academic pall filter rigor as central the development of skills and values."
The agreement also provides other forms of collaboration such as the organization of conferences, seminars and forums for dialogue, mutual promotion of the participation of professionals in the activities of both entities, Propeller encourage participation in job fairs or spaces business presentation organized by Loyola Leadership School and organizing visits to companies campus Loyola Andalucía University.
They have agreed to the provision of facilities LOYOLA Leadership School for corporate use and participation of members of the Propeller Cluster in LOYOLA Advisory Committees Leadership School, formed in order to perform content adaptation of training pall filter programs postgraduate and executive education to labor market requirements. All these initiatives, however, must be countersigned by an agreement or contract for its realization.
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Spanish pall filter Inglés

Friday, September 27, 2013

In the country, huey chopper 99% of the 4.3 million companies are MSMEs, but all have the same leve

SMEs, the axis of the Mexican economy from 2006-2012 SMEs have received 320 million pesos in credits, but an insufficient budget, allocate resources and professionalize best entrepreneurs are the main challenges.
Entrepreneur, Business huey chopper cornerstone
MEXICO CITY (CNNExpansin) - They are the backbone of the Mexican huey chopper economy and not in vain. The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) generate 72% of employment and 52% of gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, according to estimates Banamex Corporate Banking.
In Mexico there are more than 4.1 million micro, contributing huey chopper 41.8% of employment. The pequeas totaling 174,800, representing 15.3% of employability, for its part, the medium reach 34,960 and 15.9% of employment generated, according to the Subsecretara for Pequeay Medium Enterprises (SpyMe).
According to data from the Industrial huey chopper Policy How Interministerial Commission (CIPI), organ of the federal government's consultation: 65% of SMEs are familiar character 31% of employees who work on a pequeay medium enterprises have completed high school, 26% high school or career with technique and 3% Primary 90% of these businesses are engaged in a trade most common Drafts: restaurants and grocery stores. The remainder belongs to professionals dedicated to independent work.
As a buyer of services these companies offer, or through support programs, the government seeks to 'inject' resources. An example is the SME Fund, which in 2012 granted 7,000 million huey chopper pesos (mp) for project development.
In the current administration "has given six times more funding guarantee, of what happened in the previous administration," says Miguel Marn Manzur, assistant secretary for Pequeay huey chopper Medium Enterprises (SpyMe) of the secrete of Economics (SE).
In addition, the government plays an active role in the acquisition of services. In 2009, this sector procurement to SMEs concret for 17,600 pesos. In 2010 were 62,000 million, one year later was registered a total of 72,000 million pesos and the goal for 2012 is 83,000 pesos.
SMEs will not be a full issue without talking about entrepreneurs, who also are 'white' support. "They they had never been subject to credit by private banks. Today, we provide guarantees so that they can be through system incubators national" says Marn.
The amount allocated per project ranges from 150,000 to 1.5 million, according the incubator (high technology, intermediate or traditional). There are 12 instances that participate in the program, among stas the National Polytechnic Institute of Monterrey Technological system.
In the country, huey chopper 99% of the 4.3 million companies are MSMEs, but all have the same level of growth. The most competitive are those that provide benefits in response time and volume of production, says Miguel Estrada Guzman, professor of academic area of IPADE Operations Directorate.
Its development is linked to large foreign investment huey chopper in the country, but an with the potential to present "is a misconception that all SMEs can grow," says Rodrigo Villar, director of business accelerator New Ventures Mexico.
The capital is insufficient to support a 5 million businesses, the alternative is to focus on those with annual huey chopper growth of at least 20%. Although "it is difficult for the government to say: s I give you and you do not," says Villar.
"It is not being discriminatory, is matter huey chopper of giving huey chopper the right medicine for each company," says Marco Antonio Aguilar Gonzalez, Specialist Business Division of the Universidad del Valle de Mexico (UVM) .
The problem with many companies and their creators is that they are short and self-limiting vision, emphasizes Rafael Castillo, director of the Incubator of high technology and Technological Business Acceleration of Monterrey, Santa Fe
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Thursday, September 26, 2013

22 Last Minute Survey Create fair measure of freedom to the accused doctors Bentez Hospital La Vict

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Japan launched a new rocket Saturday that it hopes to have a cheap and effective way to send satellites into space. The three-stage Epsilon took off Saturday from a space center on the island of Kyushu, the main southern Japan, after a stay of two weeks. A launch last month was aborted 19 seconds before liftoff due to a computer failure. About an hour later his burden, the SPRINT-A, kaist mba the first space telescope designed to observe other planets, was successfully placed in orbit, said Mari Harada, spokesman for the Agency Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The launch was broadcast live on television networks, with images showing a rocket white, pencil-shaped blasting off into the sky from the launch pad after spurting smoke gray and orange. The rocket is the first designed for Japan since the H2A was introduced in 2001. The H2A rocket kaist mba remains the largest in Japan, but authorities hope the Epsilon resulting in improvements in the H2A, a more costly. Japan hopes to be more competitive kaist mba in the international business of launching rockets. Epsilon JAXA reported that cost about 3.8 billion yen (40 million dollars), one-third of the value of H2A. The rocket is about 24 meters (80 feet) high, half the other rocket and can be assembled and ready for launch in just a week, a sixth of the time required for the H2A. AP
Delivery Executive Aragua Maana contribution to Saturdays Theatre, a tribute to Vicente Prado larg Gerbsasi jonrn 14 and decided to hit Peloteros Amarista guests struggle for a place in the roster kaist mba CELAC Chavez paid tribute to Commander in Alba UN rejects U.S. barriers to participate in 68 UN Assembly Venezuelan Banking desempeo the best historical records over the past 13 years More than $ 1,000 million invested Sern to ensure safety the pas Maduro: Chavez form his ministers to exercise political power to the people present kaist mba Capriles relacina public documents with Maduro nationality Aragua State, fundamental part of Venezuela tourist activity Instalarn checkpoints Mario Safer Peace, pace, paix, мир, pax, peace, in all languages. (Part I) administrative and political corruption tica They stated in the Constitution Av Bermdez with My husband is free because he deserves more leda History kaist mba Today: kaist mba The "Chupacabras "San Antonio de los Altos goes around the world (+ Photos)
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22 Last Minute Survey Create fair measure of freedom to the accused doctors Bentez Hospital La Victoria? If not supplement edition of News Content
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With this new project we want to awaken just like reading your pages and mainly satisfy the interes

"AIR", a new media specialist aviation | Aereomagazine
Birth of a new publication specializing in the aviation sector in Spain. "AIR", a free publication, monthly and on paper. Good luck to the team of "AIR"! And just so you know we go there with his first editorial
Illescas-Barajas axis represents the largest concentration of aerospace employment in Spain. From manufacturing of next generation composite materials, the provision of basic services to airlines or private aviation, this shaft directly employs nearly 30,000 atk aerospace systems people and continues to grow apace.
The axis aerospace Illescas-Barajas is the largest atk aerospace systems center of employment in the Community of Madrid, considering both indirect and direct jobs. It was only a matter of time hurl half specifically dedicated to this large group, their problems and concerns.
This is an area that, despite atk aerospace systems the crisis we are facing, is in good health, continues to create jobs and wealth, and pull the economy. This means you have good news to offer in many ways, and in these times, are needed.
The Spanish aerospace concludes a decade of growth and consolidation. Spanish involvement in EADS has ensured the development of technology, maintenance and growth of employment and industry participation in all the important programs of the group.
We must not forget that R & D is the largest generator of wealth and employment in the medium and long term, and to produce, the effort must be constant, and even more in these times of hardship atk aerospace systems and cuts we are experiencing.
Today we welcome this new medium. A new information platform, a newspaper service that has no other purpose than to bring the aircraft now all professionals atk aerospace systems working directly or indirectly on this sector, an industry that is in good health, which every year grows and multiplies its jobs, their customers, their products and, ultimately, their figures.
In bad times running to the positive press is always born a new voice to respond to the information demands of an industry as strong and powerful. So to give more coverage to this industry, was born
Each month find in their content pages pluralistic, independent, quality basic values of democracy and press go always ahead in this ambitious atk aerospace systems project in which we engage in today. With determination, effort and enthusiasm to work every day in the service today, the news service and its protagonists.
With this new project we want to awaken just like reading your pages and mainly satisfy the interest of the readers making visible improvements, developments and the needs of this sector, the development atk aerospace systems of aviation, a world to which we will come.
About this blog This blog was created with the intention to report on the latest developments and news from the world of aeronautics. Everything that is related to any branch of the subject has no place in this blog. Follow us on Facebook
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Reviews News Tags No comments Barajas T4, a beautiful showcase that Iberia is not knowing how to make Avianca incorporates four new flights between Madrid and Bogota Emirates looking for cabin crew to Valencia, Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona El Prat Airport, Barajas atk aerospace systems and Palma de Mallorca, the top ten airports in southern Europe selects Emirates atk aerospace systems cabin crew in Madrid Air Berlin flight attendants looking airport Barcerlon welcomes first aircraft HOP! in their tracks Good Fly on Burgos and Valladolid to the Balearic Islands and Tenerife Malaga, Seville, Granada, Almería and Jerez routes premiere destinations Vueling welcomes 37 new international security course "Human Factors in Flight Safety" in Barcelona
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Spaceport has a single runway, which measures 3,048 m long and 60 m wide. In March 2012, the NM

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The Spaceport America, dornier do 24 formerly known as the Southwest Regional Spaceport dornier do 24 is the first commercial dornier do 24 spaceport in the world. It is located 140 kilometers north of El Paso, Sierra County New Mexico. The facility is owned by the New Mexico Space Authority (NMSA), who is also responsible for the management, control and administration.
Since opening has grown the number of firms that develop commercial activities, among the most important are: UP Aerospace, Virgin Galactic, Moog-FTS, Microgravity Enterprises, Armadillo Aerospace and Celestis.
Making dornier do 24 a brief historical review, should remember the important role played by Dr. Burton Lee from Stanford University in 1990, who defended at any cost to build a spaceport dornier do 24 in New Mexico. The Southwest Space Task Force was created in 1992 to improve trade infrastructure and activities of New Mexico's space industry, giving an unprecedented boost to the sector.
Finally, the NMSA signed an agreement with Virgin Galactic in 2005 to build the Spaceport America in New Mexico. In 2006, Virgin Galactic, announced plans to locate its headquarters at the spaceport spaceflight and operate from there.
The master plan includes construction of an airstrip, subways, water supply, treatment and distribution system, sewer, emergency services and rescue, dornier do 24 fuel storage facilities dornier do 24 and terminal hangar (THF).
NMSA and Virgin Galactic will deploy its administrative services in the west of Spaceport America. In the central area will be located double height hangar with 4,500 square dornier do 24 meters. The east will go to operational training, waiting rooms, meeting space suits accommodation, restaurants and hotel.
Virgin Galactic signed a lease for 20 years with NMSA to use 10,200 meters square of the terminal facility to park two aircraft White Knight Two to five air-launched vehicles Spaceship Two. The company agreed to pay $ 1 million annually for the first five years, followed thereafter by an increase, which will be based on the number of launches to be carried out.
Engineers and architects Foster & Partners, SMPC Architects and URS Corporation designed the Spaceport America, by adhering to the requirements in LEED Gold certification. Does your appearance?, Could be defined as "unique."
The construction of an initial installation of temporary release in the port began in April 2006. This made possible the use of the other companies, such as UP Aerospace, who have made several releases through these provisional installations until installation is complete.
David Montoya Construction dornier do 24 completed the construction of the runway dornier do 24 at Spaceport America in October 2010, while the THF was completed a year later. Construction dornier do 24 of the permanent launch pad began in June 2009, with an estimated cost of 209 million dollars. The facility is being built on an area of 62,000 square meters in two stages, the first is expected to be completed in 2012 and, subsequently, the second phase in 2013.
The complex will be equipped with assisted adiabatic cooling systems and modern energy management systems. In addition, a glass facade dornier do 24 installed on the terminal, allow natural light to enter the building strategically. The port will have coolers dornier do 24 underground pipes to control the temperature and will be equipped with solar panels for heating and hot water.
The Spaceport has a single runway, which measures 3,048 m long and 60 m wide. In March 2012, the NMSA unveiled its plan to extend the runway 609 m adding more at a cost of $ 7 million, which was finally completed in November this year.
Eugenio Rodriguez is the kind of engineer who enjoy writing about engineering, a passion that perhaps led him to found the website menagerie of Engineering, where he is active as a content editor. Today helps businesses and startups to develop corporate communication strategies and brand visibility on the net. More about the author on: Twitter | Google+ You may also like ... MUMUTH - The great musical theater of Austria February 28, 2009 The outdoor elevator highest in the world: Bailong Elevator Jan 25, 2013 Construction of Photovoltaic dornier do 24 Park Airpor

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2013 (3) May (1) March (1) February (1) 2012 (10) October (1) September (1) August

As a result decreased the length of day by 1.26 microseconds, as reported by NASA. The Agency nasa huntsville Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) nasa huntsville has released pictures taken by its satellite a few days before the earthquake in Chile and 27 February, following occur in earthquake. EFE / JAXA PÚBLICO.ES / AGENCIES - Madrid - 02/03/2010 14:51 8.8 earthquake on the Richter scale that struck on Saturday the central and southern Chile very slightly reduced day length and shifted the Earth's axis in eight inches, according to the U.S. space agency (NASA). In an article published in the online edition of the magazine Business Week, the Geophysical Laboratory in Pasadena, California, Richard Gross, said that earthquakes can move hundreds of kilometers of rock in confined spaces, which modifies the mass distribution in the world and affects the rotation of the Earth. Gross and his colleagues turned to a complex model calculations and came to the preliminary conclusion that the strong shaking should have shortened Earth's day by about 1.26 microseconds. A microsecond is a millionth of a second. According to estimates Gross team, would have moved the figure axis of the Earth, nasa huntsville ie the line around which the mass is balanced on the planet, and may have shifted by 2.7 milliarsegundos, about 8 inches. The figure axis of the Earth is not the same as its north-south axis from pole to pole. Both lines are separated by about 10 meters. It's not the first time that similar changes are detected after an earthquake. The day was reduced by 6.8 microseconds nasa huntsville at the end of 2004 because of the earthquake of 9.1 degrees recorded off Sumatra, which caused the largest nasa huntsville tsunami in history. Gross said that even though the earthquake in Chile was much lower than that of Sumatra, much may have changed the position of the figure axis of the Earth
2013 (3) May (1) March (1) February (1) 2012 (10) October (1) September (1) August (1) July (2) June (2) April (1) March (1) February (1) 2011 (24) October (3) August (2) July (1) June (2) May (3) April (2) March (4) February (2) October (5) 2010 (69) February (4) May (6) October (2) September nasa huntsville (2) August nasa huntsville (3) July (8) June (4) May (2) April (12) March (18) EPIC APRIL DIGNITY OF DOMINICAN Santiago nasa huntsville is a synthesis of Homeland Explanation Is there so many earthquakes in diverse ... Earth Hour Turn off the lights, turn on the Plan ... For a City Sustainable cohesive and inclusive ... A world without poverty. Social enterprises nasa huntsville and the f ... Food security Saeta Machado's poem to music by Serrat ... National Development Strategy 2010-2030 The parrot (Amazona ventralis) Misuse Shield Cuca Unofficial Dom Republic .. Social Inclusion and Human Development Alternative for the electricity business. nasa huntsville Què is Human Development A Spring for the world If someone wants to know my country Natural Treasure: Plagiodontia nasa huntsville aedium (Hutia or Jutía ... The Chilean earthquake shifted the Earth's axis ... February (8)

DUS sensors are designed so they can not easily be mounted upside down (include pin of 5 mm for thi

On 2 July, a DM-03 Protón-M/Blok dramatically crashed to the ground eads shares shortly after takeoff with three satellites positioning system GLONASS. Immediately came all kinds of rumors about the cause of failure, but eventually the commission of inquiry set up by the Russian space agency Roscosmos has confirmed today that the culprit was the incorrect eads shares placement of the angular rate sensors launcher (DUS), as already pointed some leaks.
The impact with the ground took place 32.682 seconds after takeoff because of an inadequate orientation of three of the six sensors DUS. These angular velocity sensors are part of the guiding system using gyroscopes BDG formed eads shares by three redundant units. Three DUS to control movement in the yaw axis and three in the pitch axis. The three sets of sensors DUS the yaw axis of each of the three BDG were mounted upside down, preventing the orientation eads shares of the rocket during ascent (if the fault had been located in only one of the platforms BDG, computer Proton have isolated the erroneous data and Proton could have reached orbit). Early reports pointed to the sensor eads shares wiring was installed in reverse polarity, but eventually it was found that three sensors which had been assembled eads shares upside down.
DUS sensors are designed so they can not easily be mounted upside down (include pin of 5 mm for this purpose), so the inquiry commission faulty installation eads shares simulated to test the viability of this theory. They found that only forcing and slightly damaging the structure was possible to place the DUS backwards, so that initially assumed that no coach in their right mind could be responsible for this fudge. To their surprise, when they recovered the remains of the crashed Proton DUS could see that they had the same mechanical damage that DUS installed backwards during testing. To install the DUS, the technician must enter through a small hatch in the pitcher with a diameter of just half a meter. The DUS have indicators to indicate the correct orientation for installation, but the platform on which they are installed have no corresponding hallmark. The rocket had been set up in late 2011 and had since been in storage waiting to be released. Proton four rockets that are currently waiting to be released has already been inspected and it was found that their respective DUS are positioned correctly. Anecdotally, Russian social networks are filled with conspiracy theories regarding this incident. According to one of these theories, Khrunichev rocket purposely sabotaged because he knew the GLONASS had a serious failure of construction and can not function properly, once in orbit (this theory forgets that the GLONASS are manufactured by another company, Reshetniov).
Rumors suggest that the culprit eads shares was a young faulty installation eads shares technician Khrunichev, eads shares who could face a prison sentence for negligence and damage to property belonging to the federal eads shares government. He also noted that his immediate superior and the engineer in charge of reviewing the quality eads shares of the facility accredited by signing the placement operation DUS (obviously not supposed to directly reviewed the technical work). Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, announced that the three must undergo a polygraph test. Needless to say, the fault is not responsible for any technical, but the quality control system of Khrunichev, which has allowed such sloppy pass unnoticed. The Russian aerospace industry has been facing for years to a steady loss of professionals trained in the Soviet era that hampers their development. Low wages and the prospect of jail time if a mistake is not exactly the best incentives to attract young engineers and technicians. The private sector offers better prospects for young professionals, who know they will not end up before a judge even if, for example, break a bank. Policy Khrunichev-heads and other Russian aerospace eads shares companies-consisting shamelessly handwashing and point the finger at lowest link and helpless of the chain of command is not only cowardly, but counterproductive in the long term. Such a system is evil and goes against the most basic principles of management and teamwork. If anyone thinks that firing or putting them in prison for young technicians fix the problem, is completely wrong. Moreover, unlike other previous failures Proton, this time the stages

Monday, September 23, 2013

It also makes turbines and engineering design, in some companies in the early stages and in other a

Berlin. The Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industries (FEMIA) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the dome of the industry association in Germany, which helps keep your development and competitiveness. boeing space
The memorandum was signed with the German Federal Association of Aerospace Industries (BDLI), the largest association of its kind in this country, an event that was attended by Mexican Ambassador Francisco González.
In the ILA involving 10 Mexican companies boeing space "and has given us very good results with the interviews they had with German companies and other countries in the development of proveduría event," boeing space he said.
He added that the aerospace industry is very specialized, boeing space high technology, boeing space innovation and competitiveness, in addition to requiring certification and one of the most important is security, all of which is well established in Germany.
He recalled that the European country has already several boeing space companies in Mexico as Eurocopter and Airbus, installs and assembly plant in Queretaro helicopter, boeing space which will add to the Mexico City maintenance and repair.
He cited a very important goal is to achieve national integration industry for that year, and became one of the 10 major providers worldwide and first point of concentration and exchange of an industrial network (hub) in Latin America.
FEMIA aims to make the first airplane in series, which will be manufactured by Bombardier in Mexico. Also, since there are five important clusters of aerospace in Mexico are located in Queretaro, Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua, Sonora and Baja California.
It also makes turbines and engineering design, in some companies in the early stages and in other advanced stages, creating a chain of proveduría very important for all foreign aerospace companies being established in the country.
Mexican companies are AVNTK ILA SC, Tata Technologies, specialists Turbopartes, Eaton Technologies, Airtexcading Mexico, QET Tech Aerospace and FEMIA, Jaiter, Hirsa and Volare. (Notimex)
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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Although today it may seem crazy, the

In the early '70s, NASA had big plans for the future. In the euphoria nasa space launch system of the Apollo nasa space launch system program, the space agency planned the construction of a space shuttle and space station. But not a space station nasa space launch system either, but with a capacity nasa space launch system for 50 people. As I hear.
A station three or six people seemed insufficient to carry out the many experiments that were revolutionizing the conquest of space in the 80's. The "space base" should be nothing more and nothing less than a total mass of 1000 tons, which would have required about ten releases of the powerful Saturn V or countless shuttle missions. Structure would turn on itself to create artificial gravity by centrifugal force. The base would be formed by a central module that would come several perpendicular nasa space launch system arms. The rotation axis coincides with the longitudinal axis of the station nasa space launch system and the end of each arm would be placed two or three crew modules (housing, laboratories, logistics, etc..). Two 50 kW nuclear reactors would be responsible for generating the electric power needed this immense space complex. During Phase B of the project competed two different designs for the base. The North American Rockwell proposal included the construction of a station with several arms that would rotate as a whole. Meanwhile McDonnell Douglas and Marshall Space Center still preferred a central structure with two sets of counterrotating arms. Rockwell's design nasa space launch system was more stable, but the McDonnell Douglas could install fixed platforms for Earth observation or space, and facilitate docking tasks and performing microgravity experiments. When the project was canceled, NASA had not decided which of the two proposals was the most suitable.
Spatial configuration of the space base in NASA operations ( But beyond the technical details, the station would be so great that the entire NASA studies devoted to analyze nasa space launch system the possible interaction between different social groups of the crew. Seven people form the "government" of the base and be responsible to exercise authority in their respective nasa space launch system areas of competence. nasa space launch system Astronauts fifty divide its work in three shifts of eight hours for six days a week in order to maintain a constant nasa space launch system activity within the station. The crew cabins also follow this internal hierarchy and be distributed according to their surface. The station would have two dining rooms for twenty and ten respectively, and multiple bathrooms with shower (yes, with shower). During the 80s, the station crew could grow to a hundred people (!) And provide a basis for the construction of a manned spacecraft to Mars.
Although today it may seem crazy, the "space nasa space launch system base" of fifty people at NASA was a totally serious that had the support of the highest authorities within the agency. Specifically, in 1970 the NASA Administrator Thomas Paine was determined to move forward this season despite showing contempt for the Nixon administration's manned space program. As expected, the giant base and most post-Apollo programs were unceremoniously canceled by Nixon that year, leaving as the only space shuttle NASA project for 80 years. References: Space Base, Fifty-man population based space organization, NASA. Based 50-man Space Base crew (1970), Beyond Apollo. Space station program (NASA / Rockwell).
50 people, artificial gravity, nuclear reactors. Surely this project would have fallen under its own weight due to problems of cost, technical difficulties, logistics, etc.. Now the plans are more modest but realistic. I just realized that Nixon hate :). How hard it must have been for NASA achieved this goal when the Moon and then reduced them as a thank you much of their funds. Reply Delete
NASA was born principally to direct the space effort by the U.S. to compete with URRSS, any effort that NASA made to meet or beat the program Soviet nasa space launch system in the 60's had all the political and economic support from the U.S., but after reaching the goal of Moon and given that the USSR took another path, then politicians and citizens Statians been told "well, target reached, we are better than red now spend the money on other things more urgent, Vietnam, economics, etc." remove
Daniel, thanks for the blog, I know him very recently nasa space launch system and I've become interested in rockets ... I appreciate the regularity with which I congratulate you post and topics are always interesting and well Attain

Saturday, September 21, 2013

It also proposed the creation of the Monitoring Department meteorites, asteroids and allied with th

As spaces were exhausted voter recruitment employees, the inexhaustible creativity party proposed a step he managed two goals: thales paris 1 - to create a platform for generating new public office and, 2 - use this situation to promote a positive feeling of overcoming that encouraged national pride, compounded with the most votes.
As election time approached, its thrusters rapidly prepared a bill creating the National Aeronautics and Astronautics (AAA) with the purpose of designing public policies in this area.
To ensure institutional operability AAA, the project includes the urgent establishment of the National Aerospace nine members and six alternates. The proposal states that the instance will have a department that will be filled with management, one assistant manager with their respective secretariats, two assistants and security personnel and cleaners, as well as 2 drivers. In total 25 staff.
It also proposed the creation of the Monitoring Department meteorites, asteroids and allied with the task of providing income to the atmosphere of interstellar rocks that could impact homeland areas.
The Department will have a team of four observers, 3 technicians who are dedicated to caring for the observation equipment and other 3 counts to a specialist in meteorites, another specialist in asteroids and a third with a Bachelor of shooting stars. The team is completed with a secretariat, an usher and a technical assistant. In total 13 staff.
The third focus of the project is the creation of the Division of Recruitment and Training of Astronauts. His duty will be to develop psychophysical profile all aspiring spaceflight which must be nationals.
This division will be headed by a Secretary General, assisted by a Secretary and a secretary for each. Also have a medical team of 3 members and other coaching staff also made by three specialists, plus 17 recruiters, one for each department of the Republic, plus an administrative department of 5 people. In total 32 staff.
Initially these were the three axes of the project, but to the greed of new posts by fans of the ruling party, it was decided to plan the creation of the Research Institute for Extraterrestrial Life as a direct dependency of the National Aerospace.
The idea was that political operators were hired as additional thales paris liability would collect information and fellow coreligionists who may have had contact of the third kind, ie with ETs who have been in the country.
It was not well determined the corporate context of this school but the breadth of the geographic distribution of the field work, 50 officials were ordered with profiles that would be presented in an addendum.
The building of the future satellite launches thales paris platform run on account of the Ministry of Civil Construction and whose owner is responsible for organizing the groundbreaking of the work that would later be temporarily enabled.
Provide us the web of his initiative and facilitate the link from our readers. If you believe that other information should be posted here, send us a, with illustration if you wish.
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Home Business and Economy Nefab Logistics Aerospace participates in Casablanca Meeting Nefab, international company nasa huntsville specializing in Complete Packaging Solutions for industrial products, and with a strong presence in Spain, will actively participate in the Aerospace Meeting of Casablanca.
Following the success of the first edition, the second event in Morocco, Casablanca Aerospace Meetings will be held from September 30 to October 2 in the exhibition nasa huntsville center "OFEC: Foires et l'Office des Expositions". The event has B2B meetings, conferences and workshops. Nefab displayed nasa huntsville in the event your Complete Packaging Solutions innovative design nasa huntsville for the aerospace industry in these two market segments:
Supplies to aircraft manufacturers. Maintenance (known as MRO in the aircraft nasa huntsville industry). nasa huntsville Currently, Nefab serving major aerospace companies in Europe, nasa huntsville Asia and America. Morocco has proven to be a favorite destination for the aerospace industry, as it has more than 100 European and American nasa huntsville companies as global references such as EADS, Boeing, Bombardier, Safran Group, Daher, SOURIAU, ZODIAC AEROSPACE and Air France Industries. For more information: Danilo Savari | Export Manager | Email: Danilo.savari @ Source: Nefab SAU
If you want to request more information about this release you can do it in the following link: More Information Related Press Releases SYSTEM Spain participate in Drinktec nasa huntsville 2013 Nefab Aerospace participates in Casablanca Meeting of Irun ITC Foundation organizes a new course Professionalism Certification
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Friday, September 20, 2013

A total of 15 clusters aerospace eight countries met today as part of

A total of 15 clusters aerospace eight countries met today as part of "ADM Sevilla 2012" to examine the projects and activities of the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (PSST), an association that brings together dornier do 28 the most important clusters aerospace industry in Europe.
Directors, officers and representatives of the main clusters of the aerospace industry in Europe met today in Seville, in the framework of the convention "Aerospace and Defense Meetings 2012" organized by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment, through Extenda-Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia, with the aim of analyzing the international aviation industry and add value to the projects and actions which is currently running the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (PSST), and to establish new ways of collaboration that contribute to further encourage the development of this strategic industry in Europe and to strengthen its leadership position in the global aerospace market. The Andalusian aerospace cluster host Helix has had this working meeting, which is held annually, and in which the participating clusters have highlighted the role exerted by the model "cluster" as key to the development and growth of the sector aerospace in Europe, and as the backbone and driving force in aviation activity in different regions and European countries. The term "cluster" concentrates all entities and agents (companies universities, technology centers, administration, business organizations and trade unions) dornier do 28 involved and contribute in the production chain of a sector. The meeting has been attended by a total of 13 clusters EACP members, the European association which brings together dornier do 28 the most important and significant clusters of the aerospace industry in Europe, which currently has 39 members from 13 different countries, including Helix cluster. The participants have been thruster clusters, Aera, Hegan and Madrid Aerospace Cluster, by Spain, Aviation Cluster Hamburg, ASIS and BavAIRia by Germany; Aerospace Valley and Pegase by France; Flag (Belgium) ACA (Turkey), Aerospace Lombardia (Italy) and Pemas (Portugal). Also at the meeting were representatives of cluster Avia Ulyanovsk, Russia, and the Defence and Aerospace cluster Cluster Ossa, of Turkey, who have applied for membership to the PSST. During the meeting also addressed issues dornier do 28 such as strategies for cooperation and networking between European clusters, sharing best practices, developing new R & D projects under the Seventh European Framework Programme and by 2020, the transfer innovation, competitiveness and efficiency in the sector and international cooperation between universities. The meeting was held within the framework of the convention "ADM Sevilla 2012", held in Seville from 14 to 17 May and which is the first international aerospace convention that takes place in Spain. Helix The aerospace cluster is also the host of the event cluster, involving a total of 22 organizations that promote or aeronautical clusters twelve countries. The purpose of ADM is to facilitate and enhance business activity between tractor companies, tier suppliers and subcontractors of the European aerospace industry. Thus, intended as a platform for exchange and encounter of the aviation supply chain and a tool for Andalusian companies do business, identify partners, suppliers or new customers and attract investment to Andalusia. The event is organized by the Ministry of Economy, dornier do 28 Innovation and Science, through the Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia Extenda, in cooperation with the firm Advanced Business Events (ABE), which specializes in international events in the aerospace industry. The event involved a total of 288 companies and organizations from 25 countries aerospace, among which are the main companies of the international aviation industry, both suppliers of tractors as first level (Tier One) and industry firms Auxiliary. So include EADS, Boeing, Bombardie

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Entrepreneurs took samples of their products to meet to take pictures, which were integrated into a

They train for business Tamaulipas Proveeduría - Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism | Government of the State of Tamaulipas
SEDET in Tamaulipas Fund (Financing) Tamaulipas Aerospace Agribusiness Investment Boosts Auto Parts Electric - Electronic Medical Chemical - Petrochemical lockheed martin palmdale Technology Remanufacturing Logistics Industrial Parks Information Infrastructure Economic Information System Calls Tamaulipas Boost SMEs SME Fund 2013 Tamaulipeco Center Job Market Access Made in Impulse Tamaulipas Entrepreneur lockheed martin palmdale Talent Micro Care Window Tamaulipas lockheed martin palmdale Training and Certification Boosts Tourism Tourist Ecological lockheed martin palmdale Interpretive Center (CIE) Infrastructure and Strategic Projects Sport Fishing Hunting Tourism Tourism Tourism Promotion Meeting Topics
CD. VICTORIA, lockheed martin palmdale Tamaulipas. - Convened by the Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism, more than 40 small and medium enterprises in the state of Tamaulipas participated in a conversation and began the process to become potential suppliers of the major supermarkets in the country.
According to the program of the day, the first entrepreneurs attended the conference lockheed martin palmdale "As Selling to Walmart" by Carlos Alvarez de los Cobos, representative of Project Development and Institutional Relations Federal Walmart Mexico and Central America.
Subsequently participated in the workshop "Doing Business with the Supermarkets and Department Stores," taught by Gerardo Sotomayor ANTAD.BIZ Manager, the electronics of the National Association of Supermarkets and Department Stores, aimed at suppliers.
Entrepreneurs took samples of their products to meet to take pictures, which were integrated into a catalog of goods for use and consumption, and initiated the prescribed requirements for new providers of these chains.
To the Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism, these actions are part of Tamaulipas Competitive axis, which promotes the Governor Egidio Torre Cantú, deployed to support local SMEs and boost employment.
Related Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism Programs Newsroom in SEDET Themes Sitemap Contact Sietam Landmarks SSP Top Stories Tamaulipas They train for Proveeduría business September 13, 2013 Participants lockheed martin palmdale 40 small and medium enterprises in conferences that promotes the Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism CD. VICTORIA, Tamaulipas. - Convened lockheed martin palmdale by the Ministry of Development ... Continue reading Reported historical flow of foreign direct investment for Tamaulipas September 12, 2013 The investment from the United States, the Netherlands, Republic of Korea, lockheed martin palmdale France, Canada, lockheed martin palmdale the UK and Spain CD. VICTORIA, Tamaulipas. - Tamaulipas got flow ... Continue reading "McDermott Moves Tamaulipas manufacturing September 11, 2013 These decisions are indicative of investor confidence in the Government of Egidio Torre Cantú: lockheed martin palmdale SEDETSe foresees an investment of 80 million ... Continue reading "900 vacancies shall bear Rio Bravo Chamba lockheed martin palmdale Expo 2013 September lockheed martin palmdale 10, 2013 was held on Wednesday September 18: SEDETLa labor supply is geared to industrial, commercial and service CD. VICTORIA, Tamaulipas. - In order ... Continue lockheed martin palmdale reading
Ministry of Economic Development lockheed martin palmdale and Tourism Tamaulipas State Government Offices Administration 2011-2016 Governmental Center, Floor 22, Bicentennial Park Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico CP. 87000 52 (834) 107 8823

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This center, called CEUS, Spanish is the first experimental center drone that incorporate large hig

MOGUER (Huelva), 29 (EUROPA arinc 717 PRESS)
The Minister of Economy, Innovation and Science of Andalusia, Antonio Avila, has held a meeting arinc 717 Thursday arinc 717 with the mayor of Moguer (Huelva), Gustavo Cuellar (PSOE), to tackle the project of the Center for Unmanned Aircraft Experimentation that the Andalusian existing drives with Arenosillo facilities, a project that will place and connect arinc 717 the province with the Andalusian aeronautical axis.
At a press conference, Avila has stressed that this project, which involves a public investment of 40 million euros, arinc 717 will place the axis aircraft Huelva, arinc 717 formed primarily by the provinces of Seville and Cadiz, and generate 250 direct jobs and around 500 indirect.
This center, called CEUS, Spanish is the first experimental center drone that incorporate large highly advanced technologies, and will be located in the vicinity arinc 717 of existing facilities Arenosillo Moguer, dependent arinc 717 of the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA ), a zone, as he assured the mayor of the town, which has been "owned and consensual decision" between the City, the Board, National Research Council (CSIC) and the Doñana National Park.
It is a leading international project, involving the Ministry of Economy, through the Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia (IDEA), the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Defence and INTA, that "there be missed "according arinc 717 to the director of the branch, arinc 717 to which he added that although" no date to begin the works and ministries are those who have to perform ", said that after the change of political color in the Central Government "the project is not going to be upset because the decision arinc 717 is made, technically Moguer is the best place and there is no chance that European funds are diverted to another project."
The regional government provides arinc 717 nine of the 30 million euros that will complex adaptation Arenosillo now focusing on military and aerospace applications, to house the new center.
The remaining 21 million, with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Ministry of Science and Innovation. To this amount must be added another ten million for the modernization of existing facilities, funded by the Ministry of Science arinc 717 and Innovation arinc 717 and the INTA own.
The design of future arinc 717 experimentation center mainly includes building a runway and provision of space and equipment to control them. The unmanned aircraft currently being experienced in Mazagon, for defense applications, launched from launch pads. The new facilities will allow the testing, validation and prototyping simulations endowed to take off, fly and land automatically on a runway, has informed the Board in a note.
The unmanned aircraft, known by the acronym UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System), is currently one of the areas with the greatest arinc 717 potential for the aviation industry. Widely used in security and defense needs work however intense research for civil and commercial use with full access to controlled airspace. arinc 717
Among the latest applications in this area include those relating to natural disaster management, forest fire fighting, inspection of facilities and buildings, meteorological data collection and environmental samples, filmmaking, digital mapping, civil engineering or operation of flights in harsh environments, low visibility or adverse weather.
Currently there are civilian facilities similar arinc 717 to the proposed in some European countries such as Britain and Sweden. The municipality is home Villacarrillo jiennense Atlas Center, which also involved the IDEA agency that is equipped to operate light-type arinc 717 UAS - with maximum takeoff arinc 717 weight below 500 kilos -. Therefore, the two centers, and Bind Arenosillo are complementary in their applications: Atlas Light UAS and UAS Arenosillo for medium and heavy.
The aerospace sector is considered by the Andalusian Regional Government as a strategic sector for regional development. This sector has received special attention in recent years, so important infrastructures have been built, arinc 717 have created specialized agencies in the provision of advanced services and have encouraged the companies, among others, which has resulted in the consolidation of Andalusia as an international aeronautical pole.
This commitment arinc 717 by the regional government has also finalized in the current Program

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

[12] that a yes :)

More information about Monday's ceremony CFDA Awards: The steel placing Anderson Coop and potentially embarrassing situations Lady Gags, is longtime Marc Jacobs with his muse Sofia Coppola selling price "Lifetime Achievement Award." Meanwhile, Jessica Alba will sell two founder Hal Rubenstein and Grace Coddington, they will sell price "Board of Directors Special Tribute nasa stream Award" Arthur Elgortovi and all three Swarovski will handle Karolina Kurkova. And because the evening will collaborate with celebrity designers here are the names of the Michael Kors with Ashley Greene, Patrik Ervell nasa stream and Kirsten Dunst, Francisco Costa and Kerry Washington and Proenza Schouler with Liv Tyler. Furthermore, should Ashley attend the interview "The Meadow" in Sao Paolo, Brazil. The event will take place 01.14 - 15.01, 2012. With Ashley should go and her fellow actor from the Twilight Saga - Peter Facinelli (Carlisle).
That is great! :) I look forward to new pics! :)
[12] that a yes :)
Current articles Suspension ... end? 'Breaking Dawn' Fan Event in Atlanta (7/11/2011) Press Junket Photo Booth (2011) nasa stream # 2 'Breaking Dawn' Press Junket Interviews! # 4 Ashley and Co.. Outside Century City Plaza Hotel (5.11.2011)
More / / Wanna Be?
Release Date: 2012
Role: Kaitlen Pickler
IMDB: here

Monday, September 16, 2013

Maťo 16.06.2011 (19:40)

Last week had a fashion fajšmekri joy. After the Met Gala, which was only recently, in New York again met by those who mean something. Held to evaluate the annual awards mig21 CFDA Awards, which are also known as the "Oscars of fashion".
Moderator Anderson mig21 Cooper dinner was not missing and not only the biggest names of the fashion world, but also social life. See names of winners and novinovaných a short report from the red carpet. Designer women's clothes
Marc Jacobs special tribute board
Anna Wintour chose this opportunity to outfit one of the winners Marc Jacobs, AUTUMN 2011. On Annu nothing unusual, classy as always. I like the detail skirt and boots matched with a blouse. It would be more sat on the skirt, kebyže is black.
Liv Taylor is enveloped in beautiful colored dress from Proenza Schouler, collection autumn / winter 2011. From the same brand chose the belt and purse. Although I am not a fan of reconciliation belt / shoes / handbags, the look in conjunction with makeup and hair I really like.
I must admit that at first I thought Jessica Alba wears many omieľanú mig21 latest collection from Gucci that sings like colors. Later, however, I found it to be a popular New York brand Diane von Furstenberg, Collection Spring / Summer 2011. I like the colors and matching jewelry, but in themselves šatoch looks like in the sack. Although at this stage of pregnancy are many to choose some not.
Mary Kate is wearing this amazing jacket from Chanel Pre-Fall 2011, which I recently saw on the show and still after I desire. Thus she wanted to date. It seems only to me, it has floating or? Skirt has chosen its own brand The Row. Added a slipper from Louis Vuitton and Cartier jewelry. Ashley went easier and better way. Dress from The Row is that it also does not fit exactly, I added a thin belt there. Pumps Manolo and also Cartier jewelry. I liked their handbags. They were just out of his own collection The Row, autumn / winter 2011.
Patrik mig21 14.06.2011 (11:35)
hey nominations yet, but honestly and willingly admit that vaščinu names of the winners do not know ... photos from fine carpet, Jessica Alba looks amazing :) Actually some bad or anything not wearing one, is completely made efforts .. :) Http://
Maťo 16.06.2011 (19:40)
Could you take Best of stajl for June 2011 Secured mig21 instructions for laundering Best of stajl for February 2011 Audrey mig21 and Grace Around the eve of the Oscar-winning world of fashion news: Anna Dello Russo on ... The best of stajl January 2011 To the best of stajl for April 2011: Royal ... Best Month looky the red carpet at the Academy Awards ... Monday info detail: Trench coat with the butter in a closet Rosie Huntington-Whiteley: Sexy dresses, ...
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