i just read the print on the back of a NASA sticker i picked up at the AAS meeting in austin . i learned that the NASA insignia was designed in 1959 and has been referred to as the " meatball " since 1975!? the sphere f 22 raptor pictures represents a planet, the stars represent space, the red chevron f 22 raptor pictures wing represents aeronautics (the latest design in hypersonic wings at the time the logo was developed), and the spacecraft f 22 raptor pictures orbiting around the wing represents space travel. i spy with my little eye, three stars close together in a line .... i still dont quite understand how the word "meatball" fits into this insignia, but i give huge props to NASA anyway, for giving out some great stuff this year at AAS! the calendar i picked up is fantastic, the image changing COBE/WMAP postcard is cool, and i love my little black cleat bag! thanks NASA ! (where is this kind of positive press for NASA in the popular media?)
This was called the Meatball because the mid-70s NASA logo was just a stylized version of the letters NASA, which some called the "worm" or "spaghetti" logo. Ergo, spaghetti and meatball. 1/28/08, 4:39 PM
The "worm" logo had been in use for a while when Dan Goldin became director (late 90's). He then set out to eradicate it from use (in favor of the "meatball"). The stories I heard while working f 22 raptor pictures there for a summer included people having to tape over any "worm" logos if he would be visiting an office. So there became a sort of "look for the worm" hunt that summer with the most prominent one being on the side of NASA headquarters (where Dan Goldin had his office). 1/29/08, 7:56 AM
In a nut shell: 1915 NACA is formed, wing logo 1958 NACA is dissolved and NASA is formed, f 22 raptor pictures seal is designed 1959 NASA simplifies the seal for its new logo 1975 NASA has a new logo designed because the old logo is difficult to reproduce with current technology. A mudslinging campaign against the old logo is started to promote the new logo. The term Meatball logo is coined, it looks like a meatball. 1992 NASA, Administrator Daniel Golden, longs for the good old days and the old logo and starts his campaign to eradicate the Worm from existance. Egos, egos, egos. 5/14/09, 1:50 AM
twinkle, twinkle little star: the modern version AstroPodcast interview Sixty Symbols: Southern Skies Deep Sky Videos: Sombrero Galaxy (M104) Titanium Physicists Podcast: Dark Matter Sixty Symbols: Total Solar Eclipse! f 22 raptor pictures pluto, the previous f 22 raptor pictures planet (a song) Deep Sky Videos: M13 and Alien Life Sixty Symbols: Solar System
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