Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blok says that the original Android design objective was to generate michael bramos a representation

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Imagine you re a newbie fresh out of design school (and I don t mean one of those faux-accredited hipster schools where all you have to do is turn up, swagger around with your fixed gear bike and strike pretend nonchalant-poses with your strategically positioned dirty-fake tatts showing ).
You ve studied hard, you ve got the principles down, and you feel like you can easily navigate how to tactfully deal with clients and the intricacies of what to charge, so as not to be viewed as a slap-happy rip-off merchant. You ve managed to blitz a first meeting with the perfect client, during which you ve delicately michael bramos pitched your ideas for a mind-bendingly awesome logo redesign.
During that meeting, you ve even managed to trot out your gorgeous leather bound notebook with hand-sketched logo prototypes michael bramos thrown in for that retro feel all done with authentic michael bramos 6B lead, obviously. You re sure you ve nailed it. Your revamp ideas are solid complete with a bold new colour palette, a delicate twist on the original logo with just the right amount of zing to make sure the subtly is actually noticeable, and a font choice michael bramos that would make mothers weep with joy , including your own (if, after paying your ridiculously high tuition fees she actually cares about anything other than you scoring an authentic job with dollar signs attached).
You re absolutely, definitely positive the client is about to contact you with a sublime barrage of confirmation like When can you start? or You re a designer queen who positively drips brilliance, you re hired! and We want you to have our design babies, right now, on this couch! . This uber-grateful praise (understandably, michael bramos as the redesign is completely awesome) is to be accompanied by massive amounts of Square -swiped credits and a big-green-lit-go for the logo redesign to commence.
Wrong. If history (and actual working examples) proves correct, michael bramos the process of designing logos whether that s through modifications to an existing michael bramos design, or a brand-spanking-falling-off-the-newness-shelf type is far more hairy and much more complex. Take, for instance, the stories of serendipity, underhandedness, and censorship that pepper the histories of world-famous logos. From ultra-recognisable tech icons to global coffee house branding, each logo comes with a distinct bubble of intrigue that makes designing logos look more like a train-wreck michael bramos than a picnic. Android: Cute, green and un-appropriated
Let s ease into the juicy world of logo design histories by first looking at Android, a logo that seems to have bypassed all the nasty rivalries and blood-feuds that drench other creations michael bramos we ll be examining later.
It seems as if the only dirty design laundry that needs airing when it comes to the origins of the Android logo is whether it was, in fact, a ppropriated creatively adapted from another design source. There s been speculation regarding the inspiration for the Android logo since the initial logo release, with the cute l tle green guy even being likened to a simplified R2D2 .
This logo is designed to be international symbol for Android, and it is open source, just like the platform itself. There are no cultural references to any other characters or cultural icons The process michael bramos was very simple we talked to the founder of android and did a research on the whole android/robot theme. It was clear that the logo needed to relate michael bramos to the name, and the first step was to create a huge mood board with all kinds of droids, robots that were inspired by the android operating system. Next step was to explore a variety of visual languages and directions ranging from pixel based, realistic to cartoony. There were 2 designers working on this but at the end my sketch was selected it is ironic that the most basic symbol was chosen. In fact this was my first sketch that I created in 5 minutes, and after that we spent weeks ideating and sketching more. I think the simplicity of this mark really made a statement, this became michael bramos an international symbol of android (just like airport michael bramos signs: men, woman, android)
Blok michael bramos also provides copies michael bramos of the original michael bramos visual representations involved in the finished logo s construction, which do show a fairly diverse range of visual approaches (including a large hat tip to robot nostalgia).
Blok says that the original Android design objective was to generate michael bramos a representation that completely captured the product (including the open source angle), michael bramos as well as a strategy for forming an emotional connection with the brand. Initially, the logo was aimed squarely at developers, and was intended to have the same weighting as the Linux Penguin .
As it turns out, the logo resonated strongly with b

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