Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Reform Party has taken a course IRL Estonian Foreign News News News Opinion Science Culture Economy soviet military power Entertainment Sports Weather sign language AK Daily Echo Direct TV & Radio Vikerraadio ETV2 ETV Radio Classical soviet military power Radio 2 Radio 4 Radio Tallinn soviet military power Radio Theatre soviet military power program listings Archives Archives About the ETV ETV2 After Viewing Viewing post Vikerraadio After listening to Radio 2 After Listening Classical Radio After listening to Radio 4 After listening to Store More Opinion Festival of Song and Dance Recipes from small-town detectives Meieoma Museum of Estonia SONG Rocket 69 General Contacts What is ERR? In English По-русски
Tartu Vocational Education Centre today opened its new, 386-seat boarding school where the students onto the housing of the six bases in the field of learning, such as learning a hotel with a 84-digit õpperestoraniga, as well as laundry and education, and home economics Beauty Therapy training centers. State and with the support of the European Union completed the renovation of the dormitory went to pay nearly 78 million euros, soviet military power to reduce the \ "Current camera \". \ "In addition to the usual õpilastubadele we have in this house in 17 family rooms, where young couples can live peacefully. There is room for the disabled. Planned are also shops, because our students are quite a lot of young mothers whose teaching often suffers because of that there's a child somewhere Autumn and we are trying to put in to solve this problem, \ "said the director soviet military power of the Tartu Vocational Education Centre Andrus Kompus.
Estonian Language Institute, the European Commission Representation in the newspaper and mailing Male preach the word today from the competition, which aims to find the store and got the definitions for the words of an Estonian version of the texts is often associated with the European Union will come down, but the good English expression does not exist yet.
Although the Estonian population is rising life expectancy, the gap between women's and men's life expectancy remains high. The doctor said the men Margus Punab amount of state held a conference on the health of men to dream big and to be as recent genetic research confirmed that a man can live a balanced lifestyle 120 years old, it should not just accept the Estonian soviet military power men, 10 lisaeluaastaga.
Paalalinna school to school families have begun to recover from the shock, but the voltage drop reaches the consciousness of students and teachers, probably not until next week, when a school shooting that killed a teacher Ene Sarap to the last journey, it was noted in Viljandi journalists attended a press conference organized in crisis counseling.
Moscow Lefortovo district court extended the protection of Eston cop holding a briefcase remand deadline to January 5. Kohverile a lawyer appointed by the Russian Yevgeny Aksenov now has a new strategy: blame the Estonian state that it is withholding interests are not adequately protected.
Pro Patria and Res Publica Union (IRL) Vice Chairman Erik-Niiles Kross joined soviet military power the Reform Party, saying that lately has been difficult for him to accept the IRL for each individual freedoms and muudatusvalmiduse issues. Kross goes along with IRL-ist Yoko Alender the Reform Party.
Professor at Tallinn University in Estonia recommends that schools and health lasteaededes prohibit the use of hazardous materials, PVC older types. Technical University Health Board, unlike scientists, however, soviet military power do not see any problems.
Today visited the 1st Infantry Brigade, 1st Defeat campus ratsaväediviisi US commander Major General Michael Bills, who inspected the mechanized infantry company in the USA serving living conditions and to introduce the 1st Infantry Brigade campus infrastructures. soviet military power According to him, the US military personnel in serving a lot to learn.
Reform Party, a faction leader and the party's chairman of the council Kristen Michal said it would be today, the Reform Party merged Erik-Niiles Kross and Yoko Alender been in the parliament elections of Pro Patria and Res Publica Union (IRL) significantly better stand for the positions, which he said is confirmed that their choice of values for sweeps.
University of Tartu, Narva College Division Head Mart Rannut said Vikerraadio broadcast, "New +" in an interview that the bilingual street signs in public posting refers to a certain mentality, which shows that Estonia will be the integration instead of the still confrontation, alas, is his estimation of the slope of the current government.
Reform Party chairman Taavi garment testified that he led the party's main competitor in the upcoming parliamentary elections, the Centre Party, and the question is whether the prime minister will Taavi garment or Savisaar.
AK Video: Alender Kross and join the Reform Party
The Reform Party has taken a course IRL's goal is the destruction of the individual by the state to obtain the amount of 51 places, finds the Chairman of the Centre Party and the mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar Alender Kross and the party commenting on the exchange.
Pro Patria and Res Publica Union, Vice-President and Prime Minister Juhan Parts said the candidate was a morning-Niiles Erik Kross, listening to the grounds of the Reform Party on moving to the impression that the latter is o

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