Thursday, September 25, 2014

Surprisingly scientists a giant squid

- "The esa allowance world will not end in 2012 Our planet is doing just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know there is no threat associated with 2012."
- "The story started with claims that Nimpirou, esa allowance a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is directed at Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened, the date for the "day of judgment" has been postponed to December 2012 and was attached to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar the winter solstice 2012 ".
- "As the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, so the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012."
- "The Nimpirou and other stories about the planets is an unpredictable over online prank. There is no evidence for these claims. If Nimpirou and Planet X were real and headed for the Earth in 2012, astronomers will be watching esa allowance them at least the last decade, and now it was visible to the naked eye. Apparently there. The Eris is real, but is a "dwarf" similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system. The closest point to the Earth which can be found is about 4 billion miles. "
The tragedy is that we pay some expensive, some on our property, others and our future, others with our own life to save us ... with economic 'miracles'. The economic 'miracle' of mnimoniakon governments in numbers: 69 billion to the State's outstanding 77 + twice the "red" + loans 350 billion of government debt = about half a trillion ... for 10 million souls !!!
Fox Fox Corfu, Corfu, Greece Andreas Skoupouras, 8/3/1972 esa allowance Deputy Mayor for Social Policy Graduate School of Theology University / University of Athens Graduate Department of History, Ionian University President Prefectural Association of People with Disabilities Corfu Board member General Hospital of Corfu (1.2013-4.2014) Member of the Board the Psychiatric Hospital of Corfu (2010-2011) Member of the volunteers. Network Corfu Secretary T.O. PASOK Fox - channels (5 / 2008-3 / 2012), the Municipality of Corfu Yen. Registrar of Trade Unions esa allowance in the Development Corporation of the Municipality Kekryraion ANEDK, 2000 Founder of PASP Ionian University Department of History, 2001 Responsible PASP Ionian University, 2002 Awarded by the President of the Republic for voluntary action in the Ionian Islands, 2002 Member of PASOK Youth Corfu, 2004 Candidate Nom. Consultant in Nom. Elections in 2006 with the party of PASOK 'Corfu Life' ' Candidate for evropsifodeltio PASOK in the European esa allowance elections in June 2009 following esa allowance a unanimous decision of the Prefectural Committee of PASOK candidate Corfu Approx. Director of Center. Ionian Islands in 2010 with the party of PASOK 'Ionian Archipelago' ' withdrew PASOK ON 11/3/2012. View full profile
Surprisingly scientists a giant squid
Follow corfiot Fox daily as it will 'dig' the best of the best. Read all the daily issues in Corfu * Fox Morning zone policy & economy * Afternoon zone with social issues and nutrition zone Evening * psychology, health, relationships, mystery, nature, animals esa allowance and humor * At 8.00 local Corfiot issue and * Evening zone with top scientific issues. *** Note: On some articles - opinions disagree, but ... they have their usefulness !!! CONTACT: & 6974481780
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