Friday, September 5, 2014

NASA rover successfully primarsilsya new generation. Launch of Space Shuttle delivery rover took pl

NASA rover successfully primarsilsya new generation. Launch of Space Shuttle delivery rover took place from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral, November 26, 2011 and almost a year later, today, August 6, successfully landing. General rejoicing in the NASA Mission Control militärhistoria Center can be seen live. A truly exciting moment. militärhistoria The time of landing in an online mode ( looked over 200k people. During the journey from Earth to Mars, the unit had to overcome 567 million kilometers. The total cost of the project "Mars Science Laboratory (Mars Science Laboratory), which started in 2004 was $ 2.5 billion. Weight rover 899 pounds and the size of it is comparable militärhistoria to a small car. RIA.RU pretty well figured the whole process of landing the rover's main task is to find out whether there is a place on the planet, potentially suitable for living organisms and has been there ever Mars suitable for life. After just a few minutes after the successful landing in the Mission militärhistoria Control Center has been the first photos of the Martian surface in the mission of the rover taken with a black and white low-resolution camera: The signal from the rover to the MCC is 14 minutes. C: \ Users \ klim> ping curiosity Pinging curiosity [xxxx] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from xxxx: bytes = 32 time = 1680431ms Reply from xxxx: bytes = 32 time = 1680123ms ... Details Mission Online NASA. More detailed information about the Mars rovers and video start Krut indescribable. Another point on account militärhistoria of the United States. PS I would like to see Russia ceased to be a taxi driver into orbit and back, and was beginning to catch up with the same dollars. UPD1

Here it is DO NOT ping. At the moment, with the Earth is possible tolko through Odyssey, which makes the turn over Curiosity every couple of hours. At each turn it is necessary orbity several minutes, during which Curiosity can transmit data to it, but it uzhe transmits them to the ground. While these sessions are used primarily for data collected by sensors during and immediately posle landing, auto diagnostics, etc. - Pictures are a bonus, but the main DO NOT load.
Depending on the location of the satellite antennas and, from tens of kilobits couples to two megabits per second. Now the main antenna has not disclosed the exact speed DO NOT know, but DO NOT over 64kbps.
+1 Flag_of_labour, August 6, 2012 at 10:59 am #

Mars Reconaissance Orbiter was supposed to shoot a picture with your camera, HiRISE, but, unfortunately, DO NOT just manages to take the desired orientation. So in addition to images from the cameras aboard the rover nA and telemetry, alas, nothing else will.

Looks like footage from the sci-fi movie. Just head does not fit, it's happening here and now.
+3 3om6ak, August 6, 2012 at 10:32 am #
Need to kill the "wrong" people pushing for the development of more advanced technologies to get rid of the wrong people and in parallel to protect the right. Just progress in the war gets a fair kick.
And I did not condone the way. Soldiers decide militärhistoria itself only when signs a contract. After that, he was not a man, but a tool that is run on. Irritating's not a drill, and a neighbor uses it, right? And young people are voluntarily going to the hot spots ... To them I feel only a sense of pity.
True, but then there's this "nuance": wars are state budgets are incomparably greater than any of the commercial, and they spend them on a much more grand scale. The emergence of so many technologies would be extremely problematic outside military / space programs. So nothing man cons nalepili: what he said is really true. He did not give estimates, whether it is good. Just led a fact.
From what, I'm sorry, fright? In 2011, the profit Apple ~ 26 billion, and the United States defense budget is ~ 549 billion. This, I repeat, only a part of defense. Apple, MS, Google, etc., is certainly militärhistoria a very serious office, but even they can not compete with large state. militärhistoria

Actually, I would not be surprised if the rover there is not just sent. Found for example, that there dohrena some California and sent the machine to investigate. And then send the machine a little more, a capacity of 200 kg is transported to the ground and then will sell it at exorbitant prices. (For example, militärhistoria 1 gram CA Cost 6.5 million per gram).
Transuranic elements in a substantial amount there can not be - because the laws of nuclear physics, all the same, and for the presence of short-lived elements in any serious amounts they need to be constantly formed. And if it were so, it would benzenesulfonyl Mars is so strong that it would be noticeable for a long time. And nothing else, most likely, does not pay for transportation. Gram of platinum worth at least 50 dollars. So that when the cost of a one-way flight 2.5 billion. On round-trip flights, obviously, you will need much more 5000000000. - But for Mr.

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