Monday, June 1, 2015

Thanks for the update! I GTtis between 35-40 thousand. EDIT: It

Member's profile jane s military Send private message Find member indlg Unblock to Buddy List Milky Way Member: September 13, 2008 Lok .: Jyderup Status: Offline Posts: 1325 Citr Reply Subject: EQ8 synscan payload Posted: January 14, 2012 at . 19:10
Hello. S has come image and specs on the new EQ8 synscan TS. Have asked for money, coming up here no berry answer back. 5000.EURO Edited by Jrgen k - June 23, 2013 at. 10:26
Member's jane s military profile Send private message jane s military Find member indlg Visit the member website Unblock to Buddy List Groupie Member: July 26, 2009 Lok .: Aalborg Status: Offline Posts: 198 Citr Reply Posted: January 14, 2012 at. 19:27
Member's profile Send private message Find member indlg Unblock to Buddy List Milky Way Member: November jane s military 26, 2008 Lok .: ester marie Status: Offline Posts: 3323 Citr Reply Posted: January 14, 2012 at. 19:32
Yes, EQ-7 was to EQ 8th The prototype EQ-7 was developed, on the basis of the input Synta got by the first showings at fairs like. M HBe they fet a quality product out that just runs. Who trgtte at a price? Thomas, Bornholm Lars Malmgren
Member's profile Send private message Find member jane s military indlg Visit the member website Unblock to Buddy List Milky Way Member: September 12, 2008 Lok .: Frederikssund Status: Offline Posts: 1978 Citr Reply Posted: January 14, 2012 at. 19:41
Member's profile Send private message Find member indlg Visit the member website Unblock to Buddy List Milky Way Member: February 15, 2009 Lok .: Dokka, Norway Status: Offline Posts: jane s military 4049 Citr Reply Posted: January 14, 2012 at. 20:23
Thanks for the update! I GTtis between 35-40 thousand. EDIT: It's a bit more info in this forumtrd. Among other things, a Sky-Watcher calendar for 2012 (pdf, 4MB) with some details in the calendar jane s military month of May: Edited by Bjrn T. Jnsson - January 14, 2012 at. 20:48 TommyF
Member's profile Send private message Find member indlg Visit the member website Unblock to Buddy List Big Bang member: September 14, 2008 Lok .: Brndby Status: Offline Posts: 6219 Citr Reply Posted: January 14, 2012 at. 20:46
Member's profile Send private message jane s military Find member indlg Visit the member website Unblock to Buddy List Milky Way Member: 19 January 2009 Lok .: Charlottenlund Status: Offline Posts: 2136 Citr Reply Posted: January 14, 2012 at. 23:00
Member's profile Send private jane s military message Find member indlg Visit the member website Unblock to Buddy List Milky Way Member: September 18, 2008 Lok .: DK Status: Offline Posts: jane s military 2172 Citr Reply Posted: January 14, 2012 at. 23:48
Member's profile Send private message Find member indlg Unblock to Buddy List Groupie Member: February 28, 2009 Lok .: Kristianstad Status: Offline jane s military Posts: 282 Citr Reply Posted: January 15, 2012 at. 00:46
Quote: Astro Jensen Well, EQ-7 was to EQ-eighth The prototype EQ-7 was developed, jane s military on the basis of the input Synta got by the first showings at fairs like. M HBe they fet a quality product out that just runs. Who trgtte at a price? Thomas, Bornholm It was ungefr which bustle gissade No. EQ-7: an frsvann innan it was officiell. The Schweiziska ASA mounting STTs ju new standard fr mer profit etching monteringar och kineserna r ju never sena att flja after. Jag can frst att the vljer a lite billigare solution but praised coming skert att bli more attractive ocks. Jag gissar p runt SEK 30,000: - - but tyvrr comes jag inte att vara an AV the frsta gärna. Jag har inte krt end on my EQ-6 Synscan NNU BSTA Hlsningar Jonas Jrgen k
Member's jane s military profile Send private message Find member indlg Unblock to Buddy List Milky Way Member: September 13, 2008 Lok .: Jyderup Status: Offline Posts: 1325 Citr Reply Posted: January 15, 2012 at. 18:34
UPDATING price lands iflge Barry p 5000 EURO for a 50kg montering37500kr / 50kg = 751kr / kg EQ6 with encoders on both axes it is surely not so wrong. but I think just you have to wait until they have fet removed the first brnesygdomme, it can rest the price comes down a little longer maybe.
Member's profile jane s military Send private message Find member indlg Visit the member website Unblock to Buddy List Milky Way Member: September 12, 2008 Lok .: Frederikssund Status: Offline Posts: 1978 Citr Reply Posted: January 15, 2012 at. 21:31
It is not far off. My Gemini G42 cost about the same ex. transport and carries about 45 kg and a PE on the 5-6 buesek. It has not, however Encoders on both axes. Is there some information about its typical PE?

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